Haven't been on here in a while!

Hi my name is Michelle, I am 24 years old, mother of two girls. I have decided to change my life for the better & get healthy. I have recently hit rock bottom with losing my job & now pretty much being broke. Trying to find the motivation I once had, I am at the heaviest I've been in a long time. I just stepped on the scale today & saw I have gained 21 pounds in about 3 months...big slap of reality for me. Any one local in Santa Ana/Huntington Beach area? Would love a work out buddy/ extra motivation....not currently with a gym. Plan on exercising at home/park etc. Free fitness boot camps as well. Feel free to add me! :)


  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    What a story! Best of luck to you Michelle. I think the hardest part is looking at the tighter clothes...the increased # on the scale... but sometimes we need that wakeup call. You're among friends and we're all fighting our own battles, so hang in there!