longtime user, looking for some new friends

i am looking to add 25-40ish new friends. i have been here for a long time, four years i think, and i have some great support on my friends list. however, this is a time of year that is hard for me (and i think many people can relate) so the more support, the better. :)

i do prefer we have one or more things in common if you send me a friend request. (yes, i understand that diversity is good, but i personally find it hard to be supportive back when we have nothing in common other than being on a fitness site.) i am not looking for a twin, just some commonality.

some ways we might have common ground:
-people who use fitbit
-people who run or want to start running
-people who are religious (this is not a religious topic, but i am a religious person [hence my screen name] and i post bible verses, prayer requests and christian song lyrics on my wall; please do not friend me if this will bother you)
-people who live in colorado
-people with pcos/pof/infertility issues/looking to adopt (if you are currently infertile and it makes you sad to read about life with kids, please do not friend me since i have two boys and i talk about them a lot)
-people who have kids, especially kids in competitive team sports
-people who play hockey/love hockey
-people who are short (5 footish range) with not a lot left to lose (this is not a deal-breaker. i have several friends who are not short or have a lot to lose but i can't always relate to their struggles, nor them mine)
-people who are a little bit insecure
-people who look at the glass as half full
-people who have s.a.d./are affected by the change in seasons
-people who log in and post statuses daily (but don't overshare with a dozen status updates a day, lol)
-people who love 'doctor who'
-people who lost a loved one to cancer at a youngerish age (my dad was 58 and i was 32, this was life-changing)

if you are willing to send me a friend request, a simple message included would be appreciated (but is not necessary). thanks and i look forward to connecting and getting to know you.


  • goodntentions
    goodntentions Posts: 9 Member
    It looks like we have a few things in common:

    I just picked up running a few months ago. Right now, I'm training for a 10k

    I am building a foundation for my faith. (I was not brought up with any kind of religious support)

    I lived in Colorado Springs for a year

    I have 2 boys as well, 9 and 2.

    I have pcos/infertility issues

    I'm short. 5ft 3 to be exact.

    I think it's safe to say most everyone is a little bit insecure, me included.

    I try to post daily or at least lend words of encouragement to others.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    thanks for the responses so far! bumping for morning/afternoon people. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    room for three more. :) thanks again to all my new friends!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    One spot left. Anyone? :)