What do I do now

I've reached my goal weight now what do I do, eat more than I usually would ? Workout less each week ? What I have no idea


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You need to work out what your total daily energy expenditure and eat that amount.

    See here..


    or here..


    Edited to say if you are wanting to bulk up then you need to eat more than that.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Well done for getting to goal.
    If you are completely happy with your appearance, fitness, strength and body composition then simply slowly increase your daily calorie allowance until you find the point at which you can maintain your weight within a range around your goal weight (+ or - two or three pounds for example). I would always take the option of more food and more exercise because I love both!

    However, as an 18 year old male this is the golden time to push your fitness and strength to new heights. So I would advise swapping your weight loss goal for strength, fitness and body composition goals.
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    Here to second what sijomial said. Now that you have reached your weight goal, you should by no means stop. Start setting fitness goals. Whether they be to run a 5k or marathon, or a Tough Mudder (Highly recommended) or squat 1.5 times your bodyweight. Or learn a martial art. You are young enough and healthy enough to undertake any fitness goal there is.