Let's make a holiday promise together...

Various studies show that people can gain anywhere from 1-7 pounds over the holidays. And as I look at my calendar, I see a slew of fun holiday dinners, parties and get togethers in my future. The cookies, the drinks and all the merry-making are a weakness of mine, but I don't want to backslide on the success I've made.

So together, let's make realistic health goals through the end of the year.

Here are mine:
1. I aim to achieve a 10,000 step goal each day.
2. I would like to continue weight lifting 2x a week - switching from isolation machines to compound lifts (hopefully shorter, more productive routine)
3. I would like to lose 3.6 pounds in 6 weeks, which would put me at the 30 pound mark by the end of the year.

What are your realistic goals?


  • StephanyJDingman
    StephanyJDingman Posts: 19 Member
    I agree! I've actually been nervous about upcoming festivities and how I would maneuver the many lines of goodies and treats. But we can do it!

    My Goals:

    1. To continue walking/running 6 days a week, even if it is below 0 outside (gotta love MN)
    2. To run more than I walk in my intervals
    3. To drop 1 or more pant sizes by New Years (1 size would be a-okay with me, more would be icing on the cake)

    Good luck to you and your goals!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I like you have loads of lovely things planned and I intend to enjoy them but I also don't want to end up come New Year having undone too much work.

    I am aiming to hit target (3lbs to go) by the 6th Dec and my aim is to be no more than this come 3rd Jan (I weigh on a Friday)...

    I have made a promise to myself that I will continue to burn 3500 cals a week through running and JM DVD's.
    I will eat sensibly during the week and try to maintain at around 1300 to 1400 cals on these days.
    Enjoy my few treats but not go crazy.
    Watch my alcohol intake as that tends to be when things fall apart.

    New goals then for the New Year.
  • kristinksmith
    kristinksmith Posts: 44 Member
    Great goals everyone! Who else is in?
  • Marryparker
    To stay fit by exercising daily even if its of 15 min:)
    To stay motivated
    And to not gain weight by my unhealthier routine of mine by thinking that i wont loose weight
    And to achieve my weigyt loss goal by june beavuse it my birhday in june
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    This week is my last week of JM Body Revolution. My goal was to lose 20 lbs while on the program and I am at 18.6 lbs. Unfortunatly I do not think I will drop 1.4 lbs in one week but ultimately I want it gone before I leave on vacation by December 9. I know I can lose even more than that by then because Thanksgiving will be the only day that week with no working out and no calorie counting.

    After December 9, I want to at least maintain through the holiday season. I have a week and half vacation with a lot of eating out but I am usually more active during vacation so I am hoping it will help me offset the eating. When I return I plan on working out 5 to 6 days a week until the New Year when I plan to start another round of Body Revolution.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm bulking.... so I'm planning on putting on a few pounds.

    that's the goal.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    My goal is to lose 11 more lbs by January 27th which is my one year anniversary on MFP. 35 lbs is not much for a year, I know, but I spent about half the year gaining and losing the same 5 lbs over and over because my self-discipline got wobbly. I steadied it again and have finally dropped below that 5 lb range I was stuck in for so long.

    When I stay with my calories I lose about a pound a week and Jan. 27th is exactly 10 weeks from now, so I think it's realistic.
  • StephanyJDingman
    StephanyJDingman Posts: 19 Member
    JoRocka - Love the Tat!
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I just realized this morning that I have at least 1 and sometimes 2 holiday events every weekend between now and the 1st of January.

    My plan?

    Stick to my calorie goals on days that don't involve parties/social events.
    Walk/workout my usual amount.
    Be reasonable with my eating at said parties/social events (only eating if I am hungry and stopping when I am full.)
    I gain about 7 lbs EVERY year. This year I want to lose 3 by January 2nd. I figure that way I'm already ahead by 10. ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm just hoping not to lose any more. I started training for a century and I'm starting my Oly-Lift training right after T-giving. I'm trying to maintain but I keep losing a little here and there with my training..down 2 Lbs in the last 3 months...the only way I can keep up is more beer.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    The holidays are much easier to maintain through when you have no social life. :drinker:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    11.2 more lbs by the end of the year and I'll be at the halfway point. My plan to get there:

    Pre-log for each and every day.

    Walk 3-4 miles 5 times a week.

    Stay within my calorie goal (with the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve).

    If I do these 3 things, I should get there.