Getting Started

I am glad I found this web site. I think this may be just what I need.... I am a 43 year old nurse who is just another yo-yo dieter. My family loves to eat out, so that makes things really hard. I am a stress eater. I find that I am so tired when I come home from my twelve hour shift, that I just want to sleep.. I need to make time to take walks and to be active again. One day I would like to be one of those people who lost a hundred pounds and kept it off. :smile:


  • getmylifeback
    It's sure helpingme, the support on here is amazing!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I am a retired Nurse and we LOVE to eat out. It takes a little planning, and some special requests when we order our meal, but most restaurants are happy to help out. Especially if you are a regular customer and they see your success.
    :drinker: I can relate to being too tired after a shift to make time for a walk, but even if you start with just 10 minutes, or around the block once or twice it will add up, and multiply, and it WILL make a difference.
    Tracking your calories on MFP will help immensely, and a lot of Restaurant menus are available so you can check your "Calorie Budget" before you go out to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck, and remember to Enjoy the Journey!!