cut down, exercised regularly but still not lost a thing



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    You sound like you’re working really hard and I understand how demotivating no signs of progress can be. Your lack of apparent loss could be coming from a few places. But before we enter the realm of why, promise the people of MFP that if you are to ask for our help that you won’t give up!

    The most likely cause of your frustration is Internal body fat being transformed into muscle. Cardio will assist you with weight loss while weights will give you definition and build muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat therefore you could be substantially healthier and still be the same weight. Although weight is a good indicator of health not all weight is equal and in your case I believe you’re the victim of concentrating on the number alone.

    You said you’re happier with the way your arms look, proof that you’re building muscle, to get that muscle definition (which weighs more) you'll have had to loose fat!

    Your body is making you more beautiful on the inside, I don't think you need it on the outside :tongue:

    Keep doing what you doing, your arms will get stronger your endurance will get longer and your fat % will get smaller. There are scales available which measure body fat. If you want to focus on a number this should be the one to concentrate on!

    *As a woman your weight will fluctuate with your period (remember to take this into account)

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some more help but in the meantime, it took me 30 mins to write this message so you owe me a favour. I think one gym session should just about cover it! :smile: GO!
    Ugh, NO. MUSCLE DOES NOT TURN INTO FAT. You also do not build muscle on a calorie deficit. Period. End of story.

    Lack of weight loss will happen for two main reasons. Water retention, or underestimating calories. That's it. If neither of those are the case, then there is a serious medical condition going on that a doctor needs to diagnose.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    To help you get in the losing mode it is beneficial to have an open diary. This allows us to review what you and how you work out. Then we can get specific about what to do.

    The nutshell is you must have a calorie deficit to lose weight. A deficit of 4,500 calories is required to lose one pound a week. If you set your goals in MyFitnessPal (MFP) it will guide you in how much to eat. But you must faithfully record what and how much you eat; and how and how long you exercise. If you omit or lie in your journal the only person you hurting is you.

    As for needing to hear "You can do it!, or Did you coinsider?" I will be sending you a Friend request.
    3500 calories for a pound of fat, not 4500.
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    i noticed when i measured my new potatoes yesterday that i had been far underestimating how much they weighed when cut up.

    there you go :)
    Two things for your future journey:

    1. If you don't lose, you are eating too much. Hearing this every time SUCKS. But trust me, you get used to it! :)
    2. Exercise does not cause weight loss. It has tons of other fantastic effects, but when you stall in your loss, exercise is not going to be the reason*

    *assuming that you are not netting negative numbers and crazy stuff like that.