7 days of binge eating, gained 10 pounds

I really don't know how to get back on track now. It's like my mentality of working out and eating healthy just completely changed to wanting to eat all the time and not caring about working out.

I gained 10 pounds in a week and I look like a completely different person. I'm all puffy and bloated and breaking out. I look and feel horrible but for some reason that's not enough to make me stop binging.

Today is a new day and already I'm thinking about binging again after I told myself last night that I wouldn't do it.

I hate this battle that goes on in my brain every single day about what to do.

How do I get back on track after all of this? I feel so discouraged.


  • NuttyforHealth
    Hi love,
    I totally understand! I have struggled and often still do with binge eating. The first step is admitting it, well check! You have done that and that is something worth patting yourself on the back for. The next step is realizing that this new way of eating, is not just about denial. Remember, what you start now is how you will finish your life. You will still enjoy cookies and cake, and you may overeat, or undereat on some days, but that is okay! This is the process of life. So, when you are ready, commit, whole heartedly to changing who you are! Make yourself to person YOU know that you are so everyone else can see that too :)

    The ten pounds is likely water weight, so do not fret! Some of it may be actual weight gain, but not more than three pounds. Start drinking some water throughout the day to get rid of some of the extra sodium.

    Think right now about the binge... tell yourself, "I don't do that anymore!" No, you don't. That was the OLD you and you are new, you have committed, remember.
    Feel free to message me :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Most, if not all of that is water and glycogen...keep at it and you'll definitely start putting on the fat...but for one week, that's pretty much water and glycogen stores.
  • kaygbean
    Thank you...that was so helpful. I know what will happen if I keep binging every day. I lived that last year. This past summer I started running again and lost the weight I had put on, and now I feel like I just ruined everything because of this last week. It took me so long to get 10 lbs off of me, and I just gained it all back in one week.

    I'm hoping you both are right about some of it being water weight. I do feel dehydrated and bloated.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Man, to gain 10 pounds in a week you must've eating WAY OVER your TDEE. That's an average of 5,000 calories over your TDEE each day, which would be about 7,000 calories a day (estimated 2,000 calories TDEE per day plus the extra 5,000) for most the average person. Did you really eat that much? If so, I'd suggest you get to a doctor for a checkup and ask for some counseling to figure out why you are abusing your body.

    If you did not eat that much, some of the weight gain could be water retention.

    You need to take control over your bingeing as in STOP right now. You have the control. I'm rooting for you. If you don't stop, you will just continue to feel bad and gain weight.

    Been there, done that, and don't ever want to go back to that place again.