Couch to 5k when never ever ran!

This post is more of a 'I have posted so I have to do it otherwise I let MFP down' really however I would love to hear/see other peoples success with this program if you have the time :) Also if there are others about to start what are you aims and what clothes are you wearing for it?

So me I have lost 40 odd lbs with diet changes alone and now have a boost of energy I plan on expelling with free fitness. I also needed something to do quickly as I am a single mum and child care is hard to find and doesn't come cheap. He is 10 months and I work.

So I found C25K and thought that looks doable 3 x a week plus I walk to work and back (5 mile round trip) 3x a week so that would mean I would be doing 6 x a week exercise Yay!

Anyway so tomorrow during my lunch break I will be gearing up and then as Sunday is the first day I could get childcare I will be starting then.

So wish me luck, fill me with motivation and lets get moving!!!


  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I too have decided to add the Cto5K program into my workout routines. Over the last year I've done HIIT training on the treadmill 2-3 times a week. (Which has consisted of intervals of 1 minute jogging 1 minute walking) Worked my up to doing 10 intervals and have increased my speed over that time, but now am ready for a bigger challenge. This week I'm starting off with 6 intervals of 90 seconds jogging and 60 seconds walking. Will steadily work with longer intervals running over time and hopefully will be running 5K races this spring.

    Best of luck to you.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I've led a few Run For God groups which is similar to couch to 5K. Message me if you have any questions along the way I'd be glad to help. It is a great program that takes you from ground zero to being able to jog the whole race.

    Have you selected a local 5K race that is 12-15 weeks away as a goal for your first 5K? The key to your training is to be consistent. Follow the plan and find the right time for YOU to jog 3-4 times a week. If you are to find a partner to train with make sure they are as motivated as you and jog at a similar pace.

    Good Luck!
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I had never run in my life. Outright REFUSED to. But decided I wanted to try an obstacle/mud race with some friends, and didn't want to look like a big idiot, so started their recommended c25k plan.

    That was in the spring. I'm currently training for my first half marathon next spring, and making lists of other races/mud runs I want to try. Never in a million years did I think I'd want to KEEP running, but I'm really enjoying pushing my limits and trying to see what my body can do, if I let it and work hard at it.

    I'm not a single mom, but every mom is a busy one, and most days that hour is the only time I get to myself between the family needs and work. And while I do still wish that time was spent relaxing, getting a pedicure or a massage, or trying to remember what hobbies I had before kids came along... its an hour I get FOR ME that I wouldn't trade.

    Good luck, and enjoy!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Good luck!
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I did C25K in the summer and am now running 5K every other day, if I can do it, anyone can! My advice is to keep it slow, I found that I was trying to go too fast and then couldn't breathe :smile: A friend at the gym said that when I was running I shouldn't need to breathe through my mouth, no panting at all. I ran my first 5K in the fabulous time of 45'38", I've brought my time down to 37'10" - I'm never going to be fast, but I really enjoy it!
  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    I LOVE my C25K App! I'm on week 4, day 1 and today my intervals included 5 minutes of non-stop running and I DID IT...never thought I would be able to do that...can't wait to see my progress at the end! I would definitely recommend it!
  • Hi to you fellow C25K'ers! I'm currently on week 5 and I have to say I didn't think I'd be able to run 5 minutes non stop let alone the requirement for week 5! I'm so pleased I have done this course. I am considering training up to 10k! I feel so good and have lost inches! My work trousers for the first time in ages are falling down on me!

    Good luck everyone :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I used this program a couple of years ago and went from not being able to run more than a minute or two to running 3+ miles :) It was wonderful!
    Then life happened and I fell off the wagon...
    Now we've just started the program again. Tomorrow will be week 1 day 3. I'm not going to lie... that first day was painful. I thought my chest was going to explode. I couldn't breathe for the life of me. (Did I mention I also have exercise induced asthma?)... yesterday was better. I'm hoping tomorrow will be even better! Can't wait to be able to run a full 5K again. Good luck to everyone!
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Good luck! I started on C25k having NEVER run in my life. Like, avoided it at all costs in gym class never run in my life. I just finished my second half marathon a few weeks ago, have done 26 races in the last two years and just signed up for my first half ironman. So YES IT WORKS. Stick with it, slow down your pace if you need to, and skip the treadmill and run outside. Have fun!!
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    The c25k program is really easy. Don't look at it as 8 weeks, look at it as a walk... because that is what it is. Anybody can walk and then run a few feet... Yes, I did it, and this fatass can run a hilly 5-6 miles now.