TUMMY TUCK....oh my!

I am having a tummy tuck. I am just not sure how much weight I should lose before? And what happens if you lose more weight after? Is there a magical number? Like you can still lose 20lbs and your skin will not be lose? OR should you lose all the weight you want before considering it? I really do not mind my curves but I have very ugly stretch marks and a flap that is not going away with weight loss. I am hoping that others who have been through this can shed some insight.


  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member
    That is something u should discuss with your surgeon...make a consultation and u can have all these questions answered. :)
  • cherie515
    cherie515 Posts: 37 Member
    I had my full tummy tuck about two years ago. You will want to lose your weight first, its like the final step of your weight loss journey . Who knows maybe you will be satisfied with your abdomen after the weight loss. I lost 60 lbs of my pregnancy weight. The surgery is a BIG DEAL, which I'm sure you've already researched. So really consider the pros/cons.
    I'd say if you have another 30lbs or so to lose (as I see in your ticker) to wait it out a while. Do what you can to get your weight down and firm up your abdominal muscles. Tummy tucks (in my opinion) are to correct diastasis recti , in which the two large parallel bands of muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen separate, and to tighten the lose skin from weight loss.
    I had a severe case of diastasis which still made me look pregnant after I lost my pregnancy weight. Now I have a super flat stomach, Yay..buuut I also have large scars to go with it. I can wear a bathing suit, yay..no wait now my scars show. I am still numb in the abdominal area. Excercising is so odd now. It took FOREVER to start doing core work, which I don't need flat abs, but I do need the strength for working out.
    It is a major procedure, so make sure you are at the very end of your weight loss before proceeding. You would hate for extra skin to hide your new abs.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I did not have mine until I lost all the weight (well I still want to lose 20 but I'm happy where I am)
    If you are on the fence about including the "girls" ... include them. I would not be nearly as happy with my tummy tuck if I still had fat, flabby fat boobs hanging over my beautiful tummy .... getting perky girls back at age 50, priceless :p
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Get as close to your goal weight as you can, that way the doctor can remove as much of the excess skin as possible. I had one a few years ago due to excess skin being incorrectly sewn after a c-section. I've since lost 40 more pounds, but I love it!! It hurts like hell, so be prepared.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I had my full tummy tuck about two years ago. You will want to lose your weight first, its like the final step of your weight loss journey . Who knows maybe you will be satisfied with your abdomen after the weight loss. I lost 60 lbs of my pregnancy weight. The surgery is a BIG DEAL, which I'm sure you've already researched. So really consider the pros/cons.
    I'd say if you have another 30lbs or so to lose (as I see in your ticker) to wait it out a while. Do what you can to get your weight down and firm up your abdominal muscles. Tummy tucks (in my opinion) are to correct diastasis recti , in which the two large parallel bands of muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen separate, and to tighten the lose skin from weight loss.
    I had a severe case of diastasis which still made me look pregnant after I lost my pregnancy weight. Now I have a super flat stomach, Yay..buuut I also have large scars to go with it. I can wear a bathing suit, yay..no wait now my scars show. I am still numb in the abdominal area. Excercising is so odd now. It took FOREVER to start doing core work, which I don't need flat abs, but I do need the strength for working out.
    It is a major procedure, so make sure you are at the very end of your weight loss before proceeding. You would hate for extra skin to hide your new abs.

    Found this really interesting. I have often wondered what's worse, the loose skin or the surgery scars/pain/feeling odd. I'm 80% sure I wouldn't go for corrective surgery when the time comes, but who knows how I'll feel then.
  • brandnewsnickerpuss
    brandnewsnickerpuss Posts: 111 Member
    Lose as much weight as you can before your surgery. You don't want to lose more after surgery because your skin may begin to pooch outwards again. (That was my experience, but I did lose 180 lbs via gastric bypass so YMMV.) That being said, I was pretty happy with the SEVENTEEN POUNDS the surgeon cut off. Yeah, baby!
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    I had a tummy tuck on Wednesday...and its the best thing that I could have done for myself...

    I couldn't lose any more weight...the doctor removed 8lbs of skin!

    And he sucked out the fat out of my saddle bags, some inner thigh contouring...and a few other places but the fat was just 2lbs...

    I got my boobs done too...and I am soooo glad that I did! I would hate to have this nice flat stomach and then have my saggy pancake boobs hanging over the top, yuck!!!
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I agree with the rest. Lose as much fat as you can to get as close as possible to your goal before the surgery. If you have a belly flap, and I know exactly what you mean (I wore control top panty hose just so I could tuck my flap in to keep it from getting caught in my zipper), obviously the skin is not going to bounce back. The more fat you lose, the tighter they can make the connection between top and bottom.

    And on the scar thing - oh, my yes. Mine wraps just around to the backside. I got mine done right before low-rise jeans came into style, so it shows even when I wear pants. It's been 11 years and my belly is STILL numb. The part where I do have sensation is not right. I touch it, and I feel it 4 inches off to the right. The left side is just numb. But no more elephant butt hanging down over and around my navel!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member

    And on the scar thing - oh, my yes. Mine wraps just around to the backside. I got mine done right before low-rise jeans came into style, so it shows even when I wear pants. It's been 11 years and my belly is STILL numb. The part where I do have sensation is not right. I touch it, and I feel it 4 inches off to the right. The left side is just numb. But no more elephant butt hanging down over and around my navel!

    I am 5 weeks post op and your sensation comment made me laugh. I have this problem. I will touch my right side on my incision but feel it about 4 cm up. It's so weird. I've had a csection and remember sensation issues/numbness with that, but it all came back to be fairly normal. I had my TT 8 years to the day after my csection and while it prepared me for the pain post op, they aren't comparable.

    only now at 5 weeks post op am I starting to feel good again! The swelling can be super discouraging though.

    I had lost over 125 lbs (88 on MFP) and what I was left with would never go away with diet and exercise. He removed over 4 lbs of skin. For me the loss of the skin/fat and not having to tuck it into my pants was well worth the trade for the scars!

    I do agree to be close to your goal but a small amount of weight loss after won't harm you. I know a lady who had one 4 years ago, she put on 20-30lbs and just recently lost it and IS HOT!!! you can't even tell and her scar is next to gone.

    I lost 9 lbs with the surgery, and plan to lose a few more but that's about it.

    My surgeon wouldn't do the boobs with the tummy, he feels it's too long under general so I may do them one day after I pay this one off. now I am post op, ya the saggy boobs bug me because my tummy is nice and flat.

    ETA: my profile pic is me 2 weeks post op compared to 5 weeks post op, the swelling is unreal. I didn't prepare for that!
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Your results are fantastic! You're going to love it. To have a flat, tight belly after carrying around all that extra skin some of us get after childbirth and weight loss, it's an amazing feeling. Your pants zip right up, no tucking in extra folds of skin. I got the whole package done all at once. 5 hours under anesthesia. Top, middle and some lipo on bottom. It was $14,5K.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    I have decided to suck it up and lose another 25lbs before I do the surgery. I know it just keeps putting it off but I don't want to be sorry later that I didn't lose enough weight first. My goal is 3 months. I can do this by May 1st, 2014. I can do this!!!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I've looked into a tummy tuck and from what I have read, if you gain or lose 30 pounds, your tummy tuck will be messed up. So if you're planning to have one, wait until you're completely done losing weight and don't plan on gaining any weight back.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Just a thought...

    Waiting some more time before surgery also gives you more time to save up to cover costs.

    Paying for surgery (LASIK in my case) sucks, especially if it gives you that negative balance.

    I do not regret the cost of the surgery, just regret the $100 interest fee on my credit card before I paid it off.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    i am only 5 days post-op...and i have not a single regret having this surgery...

    i did get to as a low a weight as i could...159lbs the day of surgery, I am 5ft8"...

    overall, I lost 156lbs before i had the surgery....i got the works, lipo, boobs, a fleur di lis tummy tuck...

    if you plan on having a tummy tuck then do your research, i have noticed that lots of people look outside of their immediate city to find a better surgeon than what they have locally...

    thankfully, i didn't have to look far, my surgeon was local, with over 30 years experience doing reconstructive and cosmetic surgery...

    5 days out...i am swollen, sore and at some times miserable, but i would do the past 5 days all over again to get where i am today...best money i ever spent!
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm about 4 weeks post-op from my tummy tuck without muscle repair. It was mainly just to get rid of the "apron" from my hanging stomach. They removed 3 pounds of skin.

    I was about 30 pounds lighter this time last year, and I really regret not having it done then. Because now most of my weight is on my backside, and it's not exactly the results I was hoping for (but so far I don't regret it).

    Honestly the best surgeon's will be honest with you about if you're close enough for a tummy tuck. Most of the time, you should just imagine what your stomach looks like right now, and just push down the very bottom flatter. It's not a weight loss miracle.

    That being said, just do your research. And good luck!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Most of the time, you should just imagine what your stomach looks like right now, and just push down the very bottom flatter. It's not a weight loss miracle.

    Yes and no, I had the abs repaired and my upper stomach is night and day... as is the lower. I think it depends what work you plan to get done and when you look at before/after pics and talk to people make sure you are comparing the SAME surgeries.

    Full tummy tucks with abs repair, mini tummy tucks (don't go to your hips), just skin removal (panniculectomy). They are all different and produce different results.

    With that said, it isn't a miracle. You have to do the work first, and it will never be perfect but for me it's 100x better than what I had.

    To the OP poster, totally worth the wait for another 25 lbs. You can start looking though. Took me 6 months to get a consult, then I wanted my surgery at Christmas so I had to wait another 6 months. Was a long process.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    ...pic not working, boo. Was my before.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Thanks everyone for advice! I am going to lose more before I go under. I am joining the Walking Dead Challenge that is 9 weeks, I love challenges and did really well losing weight last year in a challenge, if anyone is interested in joining here is the link:
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I've looked into a tummy tuck and from what I have read, if you gain or lose 30 pounds, your tummy tuck will be messed up. So if you're planning to have one, wait until you're completely done losing weight and don't plan on gaining any weight back.

    That's not true. I gained 50 lbs after mine, and now I've lost it. Back to a flat belly.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Thanks everyone for advice! I am going to lose more before I go under. I am joining the Walking Dead Challenge that is 9 weeks, I love challenges and did really well losing weight last year in a challenge, if anyone is interested in joining here is the link:

    I had my appointment in the month of June and scheduled it for Christmas week because I knew I'd have 3 weeks vacation saved up by then. That gave me a solid deadline I had to meet to finish losing the baby weight.