Here we go again!

This time I am determined to do it...I know it can be done,I have seen the results now I want to feel the success:smile: .
So here we go. Wish me luck.:smile:


  • ShanStar78
    ShanStar78 Posts: 19 Member
    Luck to you!! I have done the same thing and I get to about day 15 or so and give up..I am at day 13 sticking it out!!
    You can do it!!
  • You go girl ... We can do this together !!!
  • mrbearinski
    mrbearinski Posts: 3 Member
    I KNOW EXACTLY how that you feel! I'm trying to do it again as well. GRRRRRR! I wish that I had more will power than I do.
    Good luck,Heather
  • Me too! Me too!
    I just sent you a message asking if you would like to be friends and support each other. I hope you accept. It seems the few friends I had before I lost track have disappeared.
    If anyone else wants to add a cheerleader to their friend list, feel free to add me!
    I had a modicum of success before and need to get bak to work... :happy: