Well, it happened...



  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    My motivation came from within. I just wanted to look and feel good, also wear good clothes :wink:
  • dyhorse
    dyhorse Posts: 4 Member
    I got to the point where I could no longer wear jeans - only sweats or stretch pants! I started a program with the VA - I'm retired military. We use My Fitness Pal as well. I have an awesome "coach" at the VA. She sends me encouraging messages - I share my food diary with her- she keeps me on track. She's like my very own cheerleader and I love her for that! Maybe you need a pal who will do that with you! :)
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Getting to 200 was something I told my 180-190 pound self I'd never do. And then it happened and I let it keep going for 34.6 more pounds before I decided to shape up and now getting under 200 is my goal for the end of the year. You're taking positive steps and you should be proud!

    Best of luck to you! :)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    The weight isn't lost, I have no intention of ever finding it again. The weight is GONE. For good.

    I love that!! I'm going to have to start saying that :)
  • A_nori
    A_nori Posts: 30 Member
    My motivation was booking our 5th anniversary trip and realizing that I am about 30 lbs bigger than when we got married - and I needed to lose a few pounds then! I bought a second hand treadmill last week and love that I can jog while my toddler naps. I want to be a hot wife you know? So I have 168 days to get started losing weight. It won't all be gone by our trip, but it will be a good start and I know I will feel sexier and better than I have in years!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Know what's sad? You talked about hitting 200lbs and I thought it was a success post. I would be so totally STOKED if I only weighed 200lbs.

    All well, chin up! It will get better!

    Bahaha. Same here. Lowest I have been on here was 214lbs. That looks pretty good on my tall frame. 200lbs would be amazing!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Both of us lack any sort of self-control, so trying to motivate each other to make a change is hardly more productive than motivating ourselves.

    Regardless of what type of dietary plan you follow this will be the number one thing you need to fix. The bottom line is you can out eat any amount of working out.
  • inky16
    inky16 Posts: 113 Member
    Both of us lack any sort of self-control, so trying to motivate each other to make a change is hardly more productive than motivating ourselves.

    Regardless of what type of dietary plan you follow this will be the number one thing you need to fix. The bottom line is you can out eat any amount of working out.

    It's so strange... there are something that are easy to have self-control over and work for... I'm not a lazy person. I'm a 50-60 hours/week on the clock, going to school full time, and trying to get a side business going sort of person. Maybe it's a matter of prioritizing what I choose to control haha...

    In any case, day three of having this elliptical and it's not a laundry hanger, so I'm calling it progress! :happy:
  • I just started cracking down on myself the beginning of November...screwed up tonight though by 400 calories. but will restart tomorrow. My reason is my mother just passed away from Liver Disease. She was diabetic and had a bad back. I don't want to follow in her footsteps healthwise I want to be healthier...I need to be. So I took a good long look at myself and said. What are you going to look like in 20 years...10 years...5.? I knew I had to make a change and stop taking care of everyone else except me. Now I am first. I make me cound and this food journal has been a huge blessing. I need to lose 130 lbs. I know I lost approx, 6-10 since the beginning of the month...my next weigh in on the doctor's scale is in December, my first small goal is to have 20 lbs off by Jan. when I see the Liver Specialist again to show him I mean business and will get my life in control. My mom found out too late...many do....I am not taking any chances. Good Luck and congratulations on your new journey as well.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I have a mother who has always been very sickly. I cannot tell you how many nights I have spent in the emergency room with her. And she refuses to do anything to improve her health; no exercise, won't quit smoking (even though she lies and says she has). She's diabetic, has COPD, multiple heart attacks, cancer. It's a nightmare. I don't want to end up that way. So, when my doc called me and told me I was pre-diabetic, I knew I had to turn it around. he said he's giving me four months to lose some weight and hopefully I won't have to go on meds. I really hope not. And I'm glad you also are doing whatever you can to be healthier. As I said before, I'm done with excuses. It's not that hard to be healthy. And I hate taking pills and hospitals and doctors, so I figure the healthier I am, the less of them I have to see and deal with.

    Good for you and congrats for your decision!

    Jen :)
  • HYama
    HYama Posts: 11 Member
    I was standing in the dressing room at Ross, unable to zip up a pair of work slacks that were two sizes larger than I thought I was. I texted my boyfriend "I look like a manatee!" and drove home in tears. That was 13 months ago. My motivation is largely "not looking like a manatee." :laugh:

    This made me bust out laughing... I always complain about feeling whale-ish, so I can completely relate!

    To those of you who had congratulations on the tip of your tongue, thank you for being quick to encourage and helping me see things in perspective... :happy: 60 pounds seems like an impossible goal right now, and it makes me completely in awe of those of you who manage that and more!

    yeiymi32, I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through... it sounds like you were able to keep the important things in life at the top of your priority list, right where they should be! Good luck to you as well!!

    For me it was waking up every morning with the task of caring for my 3 kids and having pain in my feet that made me just want to stay in bed! 60 pounds is what I've lost and I understand how hard it seems at first, I just tried to see every pound as a victory! I've reached my goal, and the best part has been seeing the transformation in my kitchen. All the junk that was in my pantry and fridge turned into healthy food, which in turn my kids began to eat. Now they reach for an apple instead of a cookie. The motivation comes with all the small victories.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    Good on you, OP, for catching things before they got worse.

    For me, it was also hard finding clothes that would fit. I was also feeling terrible about myself, and I hated the way I looked. I wanted a better quality of life. Plus, I knew that if I didn't act quickly that I would end up with a myriad of extra health problems that I didn't want to deal with.