
When keeping track of how much water you drink, does flavored water count? How about the crystal light mixes that you add to water, like raspberry green tea? They only have like 5 calories and no sugar. I just get extremely bored with regular water.


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    They count as water, but I add the packets to my log, because though they only have 5 calories they have sodium and carbs too.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    They count as water, but I add the packets to my log, because though they only have 5 calories they have sodium and carbs too.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Ditto to PP. Try and alternate flavored water with regular water though, so you are getting some JUST water. My rule is to drink at least one bottle (24 oz) of water, and then I get to refill it with flavored water.
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    When I did Weight Watchers years ago you could count sugar free caffeine free drinks and juice as 1/2 of your total daily water count. So living by that premis, I count flavored but I usually add one "to go packet" to a 1 liter bottle (roughly 33 oz) of water so I'm actually getting in as much water as I can. And then I drink a liter of plain water after each flavored water. I also include the packet in my daily food log.

    I don't count juice or SF/CF Cokes because of the high sodium content they have. I do good to stay under my sodium allowance everyday as it is without drinking it. :laugh:
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I asked my trainer at the gym this question recently. He said flavored waters (Crystal light and such) do count, as well as sparkling water and of course plain water. He said tea (with caffeine) and coffee don't count and that you should take in extra water for those to counteract the caffeine (which is dehydrating). I don't necessarily do that, but I don't count it in my water anymore.

    I also like adding one packet of CL to more water. It means I get more water in me and the flavor isn't quite as strong (which I like better!)
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    How much water a day should you be drinking? I know obviously at least 64 oz. But... is it possible to drink TOO MUCH water??
  • copewithred
    Thanks for the input everyone! I too think they (CL, etc) are strong and add more water than what the directions say.
    I have a hard time surviving without caffeine, so it sounds like I need to be drinking even more water. ;(
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    How much water a day should you be drinking? I know obviously at least 64 oz. But... is it possible to drink TOO MUCH water??

    I may be wrong, but I read somewhere once that you take your weight and divide by 2, and that is how many ounces you should drink a day.
  • jane_e_lane
    jane_e_lane Posts: 7 Member
    I know water is boring to drink sometimes, so i try to put apple cider vinegar in it, not to much because it will be to strong and i also put lemon or lime in it....it's hard but it flushes the fat!! Just keep that in mind!!