new here! recovering from an eating disorder

hi everyone! my name is Gracelynn, and i just joined my fitness pal and I want to start recovery :) im done with this eating disorder. I want to be happy and healthy again. I have EDNOS because my bmi never reached below 18 surprisingly. otherwise i have very anorexic tendencies. So any support/tips would be wonderful! :) also feel free to reply even if you are looking to lose and such :)<3


  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Be careful. Losing weight the healthy way is the best way to go- it's dangerous and too easy to gain it back otherwise. Have you thought about talking to a counselor? They may be able to help you a lot more than anyone here can :)
  • Good for you! I'm also recovering from ednos but my bmi is also normal! I hope you recover! Lots of love:)