
Hey everyone. I just want to vent here but any comments or input is welcome and appreciated.

I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and no matter what I do, I can't lose weight. It just keeps piling on. I just went to a new endocrinologist and he ordered a bunch of new bloodwork (which I'm still waiting to hear back on). Having PCOS has been soo frustrating. It comes with a whole host of issues: hair falling out, dry skin, bad acne (I'm 32), and worst of all: insulin resistance.

When I was at the dr's office, I had to step on the scale and I weighed in at 212.9 pounds but for simplicity's sake, we'll just call it 213. I have no energy. Even when I was eating well and exercising. I feel tired and drained all the time. I now have 83 pounds to lose. The task just seems so overwhelming and daunting. Especially since nothing I do works.

I have heard how the South Beach Diet can help women with PCOS a lot in getting symptoms under control. I checked the book out but haven't had time to read it yet. I'm planning on that this coming weekend.

Anyways, thanks for lending an ear... rather and eye.


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    My brother is insulin resistant and his doctor put him on a version of a diabetic's diet. He has lost a lot of weight doing this. Maybe your doctor can tell you what type of diet you should be on for your resistance
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Hang in there!!! I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, but I know I have days when even getting a workout in feels like too much to handle. From what you've said, you sound like a really dedicated person--you switched doctors to try and make things better for yourself. Do what you can until you get those test results... diet is usually more important than exercise in weight loss, and that isn't as daunting a physical task. Take it one day at a time, and don't give up!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I feel for you. I have a close friend with the condition. She hired a personal trainer and had a nutritionist guiding her diet and she lost 3 pounds in three months on 5 days a week exercise. I do think they had her reduce her calories too much but I know her condition held back her success. Please don't give up. If you find a diet that works I would love to hear about it. You will win this challange with persistance.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Sorry to hear of your troubles. I dont know much about pcos personally but remember watching this video a while back.
    supposedly this girl was able to reverse her pcos by eating a strictly raw vegan diet. May sound drastic but could be worth a shot. I have tried the raw vegan diet in the past and i loved it! the hardest part is cooking for the rest of my family.

    Good luck
  • bettejeanb
    bettejeanb Posts: 14 Member
    so sorry to hear of your problems. I would try I don't know if they can help your specific issues but they do support members and just to have a support group may help you at this time. this is a great group of people and they have an 18 week challenge where you Answer questions to try to not only help with the diet but also emotional and mental support. Try it please. it may help more than just reading another diet book. I have never had luck with them mainly because as i have found out the support you get is half the battle. That's Bill Phillips is the person in charge of the site and has a book by the same name. Transformation. Please try it
  • bettejeanb
    bettejeanb Posts: 14 Member
    so sorry to hear of your problems. I would try I don't know if they can help your specific issues but they do support members and just to have a support group may help you at this time. this is a great group of people and they have an 18 week challenge where you Answer questions to try to not only help with the diet but also emotional and mental support. Try it please. it may help more than just reading another diet book. I have never had luck with them mainly because as i have found out the support you get is half the battle. That's Bill Phillips is the person in charge of the site and has a book by the same name. Transformation. Please try it
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I know it seems unfair - losing weight is hard enough but losing weight when you have PCOS is even harder. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 10 years ago and steadily put on weight over the years (100lb+). I had all of the physical symptoms: hair loss, acne, dark patches, etc. but I also was depressed a lot and became anti-social not only with my friends even with my husband. I had been going to the endocrinologist for years and they put me on metformin but I finally realized that medicine alone would not cure me. Woman with PCOS must exercise daily and watch what they eat. Sure, I thought I was eating okay but until you itemize everything you eat you don't really know how many calories/carbs you are consuming.

    I'm not a fan of the fad diets so I can't give any insight on the South Beach Diet but I will tell you that you should talk to your endocrinologist about metformin. Metformin + eating healthy + exercise should give you a lot more energy and help you lose weight. Once you lose the first few lbs you will be hooked and well on your way to a new healthier you.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend for additional support if you like.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    While I don't have PCOS (or have never been diagnosed with it) - I do have IR. Last year at my physical I had my bloodwork done, and while my doctor said my fasting #'s were within "normal" values, having just had Gestational Diabetes, and having to shoot up insulin, I found my numbers high. But what do I know??? :huh:
    Until I GAINED 13 POUNDS in 3 MONTHS! :explode:
    I tried everything, cycling my calories, going low (800 cals/day) to trying to exercise off every calorie I ate. It was a vicious cycle!

    I went back to see my doctor, who put me in touch with an endocrinologist who right away recognized my metabolic syndrome and put me on an Rx of 1g Glumetza. In 7 weeks I MIRACULOUSLY lost 7 pounds, then I lost the 13 pounds I had gained - now I'm down 24 pounds!

    I also went to see a dietician (not nutritionist) who is specialized in sports performance. He recommended a diet high in protein, high in natural (good) fats, and low in grain/wheat and processed carbs. The only carbs I eat everyday are veggies, some fruits (after a big workout, when my body can tolerate an insulin spike), and I've slowly started to reintroduce Oatmeal and grains like quinoa (still bloating me a little though), and starches such as sweet potato.

    Remember, meaningful body composition change is always a slow road. There may be be periods when you change rapidly, followed by long-stretches where seemingly nothing is happening. I have seen these myself, even while on my Rx. These "plateau" periods are actually necessary for long-term success, they allow your hormonal and metabolic system to reset and establish a new baseline weight for yourself.

    Just stick to the principles of healthy eating appropriate for your body, and you'll be able to achieve the look you are after.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    My husband and myself have gone on the South Beach Diet with results.
    We did lose weight. Phase 1 is getting yourself off of sugar.
    After two weeks you will feel good. Phase 2 will add more food.
    Phase 3 is maintaining. I have all the receipe books too. It is a very
    healthy way of eating. A cardiologist created it. Try it, it has good results.
    I have heard about your condition before so get the book and read it.
    It is also good for people with type 2 diabetes.
    I am trying the calorie counting and seeing what I am eating in a day for
    a change of pace. I hopes this works too.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    All great posts. One thing to add is look at smaller weight loss goals. Break it down into more manageable amounts. Like 10, 15 or even 20 pound goals. I know when you look at the 80 or so pounds you want to lose it looks impossible. Choosing smaller goals helped me stick to my plan. Hang in there.
  • DianneMoreno
    I completley understand. I am insulin resistant, and it is a MAJOR uphill battle. I started taking metformin, got a trainer, and am trying to eat 100% clean. I know that my body cannot operate efficiently with any type of bad carb (no breads, starches etc). It has been hard, as now I see the direct link between my CRAVING for bread and the increase in my weight over the years. After taking metformin and getting the trainer, I am down 15 pounds in a little over two months. I NEVER, EVER lost weight before in my life. EVER. I understand.

    You can do it though, there are a lot of great books out there on PCOS - just goggle it. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you can no longer eat carbs. It is a hard reality, but the underlying source of success for people with PCOS and IR. Good luck!