Im gaining!! Ugh!

Hi! I am new to this not even an hour new. I was googling "eating right, working out but still gaining weight" and came across my fitness pal. So here goes, a week ago when I decided to get serious with my weight loss goals I am 5'4 and I weighed 233 lbs. After a great week of work outs and eating right I have gained 3 lbs, today I weighed in at 236 lbs and its just very discouraging. I have cut down my calorie intake to about 1400 calories a day. I have worked out every day for the past 5 days, I do T25 (25 mins with cooldown 30mins) by beachbody, it is a really good program. I have a desk job so dont do much activity during the day. I have even stopped drinking soda (my fav) and replaced all my fluid intake with water. I have even been motivated enough to try a two Zumba classes in the last week. Today a few friends and I are going to try an AIROBICS class at a trampoline sports place to get a mix of different things. I mean I feel good, I feel like working out is helping my attitude and I actually look foward to doing some kind of activity. Every part of my body is calfs, thighs, abs, back, glutes, I mean every muscle feels activated. I drink a protein shake after each workout, once a day. It consists of 8 oz of 1% milk, pure protein powder and strawberries and blue berries. I feel like I am doing everything right but I am so discouraged when I get on the scale. I am proud of myself for sticking with this new routine and having discipline with my eating but it just bothers me that I have gained weight. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


  • francescajeanfox
    Search the site, there are threads about gaining weight when first getting into exercise/ weight lifting, it is normal and will go away after a couple of weeks. Good luck
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Every part of my body is calfs, thighs, abs, back, glutes, I mean every muscle feels activated.

    This is it. Your muscles are repairing and inflamed (water weight).