New to MFP

Hi! I am new to not even an hour new. I was googling "eating right, working out but still gaining weight" and came across my fitness pal. So here goes, a week ago when I decided to get serious with my weight loss goals I am 5'4 and I weighed 233 lbs. After a great week of work outs and eating right I have gained 3 lbs, today I weighed in at 236 lbs and its just very discouraging. I have cut down my calorie intake to about 1400 calories a day. I have worked out every day for the past 5 days, I do T25 (25 mins with cooldown 30mins) by beachbody, it is a really good program. I have a desk job so dont do much activity during the day. I have even stopped drinking soda (my fav) and replaced all my fluid intake with water. I have even been motivated enough to try a two Zumba classes in the last week. Today a few friends and I are going to try an AIROBICS class at a trampoline sports place to get a mix of different things. I mean I feel good, I feel like working out is helping my attitude and I actually look foward to doing some kind of activity. Every part of my body is calfs, thighs, abs, back, glutes, I mean every muscle feels activated. I drink a protein shake after each workout, once a day. It consists of 8 oz of 1% milk, pure protein powder and strawberries and blue berries. I feel like I am doing everything right but I am so discouraged when I get on the scale. I am proud of myself for sticking with this new routine and having discipline with my eating but it just bothers me that I have gained weight. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


  • michellewmarin
    michellewmarin Posts: 8 Member

    Don't get discouraged - when I first started my fitness journey I gained 1.5kg in the first week as well (around the same as you).
    Weightloss is not a linear process; it's honestly all over the place.
    I'm no health specialist, but what happened to me was that I gained muscle mass and the body fat just wasn't "caught up" yet so it's still sort of "clinged" on to my body. The trick is to keep on going! Eventually the body fat will start coming off and you will gain muscle mass.

    Don't give up!

    Also, when you start exercising and losing fat/gaining muscle, your body will retain more water, so make sure you drink your minimal 2 litters everyday!

    Good luck and I hope I helped a little bit.
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    I too have done T25 and the first week I didn't lose weight but I did lose inches. Have you taken your measurements? Please feel free to add me as a friend.