Worried about 1200 cal diet?

I've been a member of Fitness Pal for only a few days - I currently weight 12st 13 (181 pounds) and my ideal weight is 10st 5 (145 pounds).
I am looking to lose about 2 pounds a week (a healthy weight loss) but fitness pal has recommended only 1200 cal a day.
I was doing some research on the internet about it and apparently its unhealthy to eat that little for my height (5"7) and can lead to health problems (loss of muscle etc)
I would also like to add that when I ate a few calories under 1200 on one of the days Fitness Pal told me it was unhealthy and I needed to eat more.
Should I stay on the 1200 Cal a day diet or increase it a little?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've been a member of Fitness Pal for only a few days - I currently weight 12st 13 (181 pounds) and my ideal weight is 10st 5 (145 pounds).
    I am looking to lose about 2 pounds a week (a healthy weight loss) but fitness pal has recommended only 1200 cal a day.
    I was doing some research on the internet about it and apparently its unhealthy to eat that little for my height (5"7) and can lead to health problems (loss of muscle etc)
    I would also like to add that when I ate a few calories under 1200 on one of the days Fitness Pal told me it was unhealthy and I needed to eat more.
    Should I stay on the 1200 Cal a day diet or increase it a little?

    change your weight loss goal from losing 2lb to lose 1lb....
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I've been a member of Fitness Pal for only a few days - I currently weight 12st 13 (181 pounds) and my ideal weight is 10st 5 (145 pounds).
    I am looking to lose about 2 pounds a week (a healthy weight loss) but fitness pal has recommended only 1200 cal a day.
    I was doing some research on the internet about it and apparently its unhealthy to eat that little for my height (5"7) and can lead to health problems (loss of muscle etc)
    I would also like to add that when I ate a few calories under 1200 on one of the days Fitness Pal told me it was unhealthy and I needed to eat more.
    Should I stay on the 1200 Cal a day diet or increase it a little?

    change your weight loss goal from losing 2lb to lose 1lb....

    ^ Yes. And MFP works so you are supposed to eat back your exercise calories, so when you exercise you can eat more. Don't forget that!

    Or, what I find simpler is to use an online calculater (or use a few and then average it out) to find your TDEE then subtract 20% to get a calorie defecit. I personally like the TDEE method better because it takes into account your weekly exercise, instead of having to rely on the MFP cals burned which can be very innaccurate.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • loneaffliction
    loneaffliction Posts: 81 Member
    I've been a member of Fitness Pal for only a few days - I currently weight 12st 13 (181 pounds) and my ideal weight is 10st 5 (145 pounds).
    I am looking to lose about 2 pounds a week (a healthy weight loss) but fitness pal has recommended only 1200 cal a day.
    I was doing some research on the internet about it and apparently its unhealthy to eat that little for my height (5"7) and can lead to health problems (loss of muscle etc)
    I would also like to add that when I ate a few calories under 1200 on one of the days Fitness Pal told me it was unhealthy and I needed to eat more.
    Should I stay on the 1200 Cal a day diet or increase it a little?

    change your weight loss goal from losing 2lb to lose 1lb....

    ^^^ 2 pounds a week is an unrealistic goal considering how much you have to lose.

    Read this:

    Find a reasonable calorie goal for your body. Log accurately. Incorporate exercise. Be patient and set realistic goals for yourself. You'll be successful.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Do what others say, and eat back your exercise calories.
  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    Stay on the 1200 Calorie diet.
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    Stay on the 1200 Calorie diet.


    Im pretty much the same measurements.... (Started at 220ish, now 164ish, 5"6!) and iv always stuck to 1200 a day, and im still losing. I also DONT eat back my exercise cals. Each to their own though, you will soon find what works best for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I've been a member of Fitness Pal for only a few days - I currently weight 12st 13 (181 pounds) and my ideal weight is 10st 5 (145 pounds).
    I am looking to lose about 2 pounds a week (a healthy weight loss) but fitness pal has recommended only 1200 cal a day.
    I was doing some research on the internet about it and apparently its unhealthy to eat that little for my height (5"7) and can lead to health problems (loss of muscle etc)
    I would also like to add that when I ate a few calories under 1200 on one of the days Fitness Pal told me it was unhealthy and I needed to eat more.
    Should I stay on the 1200 Cal a day diet or increase it a little?

    Just because MFP is programmed to issue a warning message at 1198 calories but not 1202 doesn't mean there is a magic cutoff of 1200 where above it you burn only fat and below it you burn muscle. It's all a continuum. Losing weight causes muscle loss, period. Yes, very low calorie diets will usually cause more muscle loss. 1200 isn't generally considered 'dangerously low' in my experience but if your research suggests otherwise, by all means, use a less restrictive calorie goal.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Bump to read later
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I would be starving at 1200 and having a hard time sticking to it and hitting my macro's and micro's (I am your height, and was at your weight a couple of months ago). At 1200 there is no room for treats if you are going to get everything your body needs. I wouldn't recommend it just because it isn't sustainable for me.
    If you are going to try to stick with it, make sure you eat back at least a little of your exercise calories, and really pay attention to how your body feels.

    Just to add, 2 lbs/week really isn't all that attainable unless you have more fat stores to burn. And it is recommended that you decrease your deficit as you get closer to your goals.

    I guess my point is, if you're worried about it, don't do it. You can lose weight eating more without any issues.
  • It's probably fine if adding athletic performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn't a huge priority and you eat back exercise calories; make sure to eat your fruits, vegetables, EFA's, and protein as priority though. If you just wanna lose weight, go for it. If you wanna lose weight, run a marathon, squat 1.5x weight and keep it off; then reduce it by 500 a day. Do something sustainable.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Stay on the 1200 Calorie diet.


    Im pretty much the same measurements.... (Started at 220ish, now 164ish, 5"6!) and iv always stuck to 1200 a day, and im still losing. I also DONT eat back my exercise cals. Each to their own though, you will soon find what works best for you!! :flowerforyou:

    No. Just no. The MFP method is for you to eat back your exercise calories, so if you only eat 1200 and burn off 300 you are only netting 900...Your body needs more.

    I agree with FerretBueller on the TDEE method - 10-20%. I don't stress about how many calories I burn, I eat 1800 calories a day and am losing weight.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Stay on the 1200 Calorie diet.


    Im pretty much the same measurements.... (Started at 220ish, now 164ish, 5"6!) and iv always stuck to 1200 a day, and im still losing. I also DONT eat back my exercise cals. Each to their own though, you will soon find what works best for you!! :flowerforyou:
    ^Bad advice, and not recommended by MFP.

    OP - I'd agree with others who have suggested that 2lbs a week is not a realistic rate of loss for you, considering how much you have to lose. 1 lb a week would be better, especially if you want the loss to be all/mostly fat, and not lean mass with it. That should also give you more to eat.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I'm old as f___, so 1200 calories for me is perfectly appropriate, and I'm taller than you. Depending on your age, you might need to be somewhere in the 1200 range, but careful accounting of calories in and calories out is CRUCIAL to weight loss. Almost nothing else is crucial. Get the calories in and calories out right, and the weight comes off. That means being as accurate as possible with your food calories and your exercise calories. Don't discount food calories as negligible because they come from "healthy" foods like veggies, or because "it was just one cookie", etc. Log EVERYTHING. And don't think that just because some exercise machine told you that you burned 500 calories that you actually burned 500 calories. I really wish those machines didn't have calorie burn estimates, those machines basically troll people into overeating.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I agree that machines (and people) overestimate exercise calories. I think the machines do it because if people saw how few calories they're really burning they'd mostly say, "To hell with this machine."
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Change it to 1 pound a week. Eat "some" of your exercise calories. I say some because the calories burned estimated can be inflated. OR figure out your TDEE - 20% then you don't have to worry about exercise calories.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    If you've just started, I say stick to the 1200 (as best as you can) FOR NOW, & then re-evaluate in a couple weeks. (As a note, "sticking to 1200" means eating your exercise calories back.)
  • Rose21461
    Rose21461 Posts: 4 Member
    As others have said, you have to use both diet AND exercise. If you only eat 1200 calories and do no exercise, there is no way you will be able to meet your nutritional requirements (and reaceive the warning from MyFitnessPal). Now, if you eat 1500 calories and exercise the equivalent of at least 300 calories, you'll be back at 1200 (and won't be reprimanded by MyFitnessPal for not eating enough calories) and lose weight. Even if the only exercise you do is walking slowly, it's still exercise and it's still burning calories. You may also want to reconsider your goals and drop it back to a pound per week. It's realistic and you have less chance of hitting heartbreaking plateaus.
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    Try to stick with the 1200, always keeping in mind that if you are hungry eat a healthy snack [yogurt with cinnamon (curbs the hunger), etc.] Your body will tell you if you are needing more fuel (energy). All these magic numbers are just a beginning point. The 1200 worked for me and I have kept all the weight off for 2 years now (without trying, and without over eating too). :)
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet as well, but I am only 5'2" and I put my goal weight as 120 pounds with a weight loss of 1 pound a week. Well, I am closer to my goal so at 1200 calories I am losing 0.8 pounds a week, but MFP will not go lower than 1200.

    I always eat my workout calories, but this is my base.
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    Try the 1200 for a bit, but still eat when you are hungry