Introducing where I am now

Hi my name is Monica I am not new to fitness pal but I am new to the message board. I have fell off the wagon so to say and Im back at trying to incorporated better eating for myself and more excercising. Im unconventional so Im hoping to make my fitness routine very simple. I want to start a conversation about my struggles and I want to be able to have the proper place to vent. I want to be healthy fopr myself as well as my family. I am ready for the challenge and difficulties to reach my goal as well as stay their! Hopefully I can find the support and the accountability with the fitness pal community.


  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Hi, my name is Kevin. I started out very much the same way you did. I started with MFP with just logging my calories and then I started to get more serious at losing the weight, instead of just logging it :). I then started posting a bit in the forums and I have found that this helps me at least be aware that other people might be looking at what I am eating so it sometimes helps. I am not sure why you say you are "unconventional" but sometimes that might be you can think outside the box, which might help you out. Losing weight, feeling and looking better is something that you need to do for yourself and it will be a long term goal but it can be done if you stick to it. Feel free to add me to your friend list if you wish.