Not losing...need advice

I have always been on a roller coaster with my weight, but as of November 1 I decided to get it in check. I don't think I eat poorly even prior to starting a diet. Since the start of this diet I decided to take a South Beach style approach. I have been avoiding bread, white potatoes, rice, quinoa. I have cut out ice cream (my night time vice) and my once a day glass of wine (frankly I would give up a years worth of ice cream before I cut this out, but I have). I have been increasing my protein and fat considerably, but still doing it in a healthy way. I am so disappointed because the weight is not coming off. I know it didn't come on overnight so it won't come off overnight, but by now I feel like I should have seen the scale budge some. I don't feel as bloated as before I started the diet, but the scale does not reflect it. Clothes are fitting about the same. It is just so frustrating to try so hard and not have anything to show for it. I know I need to workout, but when I get up at 6:30am to go to work and not get home until 6pm, make dinner for my kids, take care of their homework. get them ready for bed, read them a book and then finally my husband and I get to eat...I just don't know when I could fit in exercise. I do have a mostly sedentary job, but I am eating less than 1300 cal per day (on the average).

I am looking for any advice. I will leave my diary open for critique. Thanks in advance!


  • nlb1106
    nlb1106 Posts: 37 Member
    Are you weighing all your food and checking packets ect. Everything that can be weighed should be if your not losing your over eating
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well, if you've logged everything, you've averaged 1445 calories/day for the past nine days. It appears that you've set your budget at 1200 calories/day (which is probably low, honestly, because it is low for most people). What is your BMR and TDEE?

    Btw, forget carbs, sugar, etc. as a part of the equation. Those are health choices, not weight loss choices. It is calories in vs. calories out. You create a deficit of 3500 calories and you'll lose a pound, according to the math. (Obviously, it's not an exact calculation, as there are a multitude of competing variables, but it's the standard to go by.)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    For starters I think your Caloric goals are too low.

    How long have you been at those goals?
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I agree that once you started a diet change and have started eating less carbs, increasing protein and fats you should see some lbs drop. Your diary looks ok to me. Maybe one change you could do is to avoid packaged items as much as possible and include single ingredient items. So for breakfast, you replace the veggie burger with eggs (yes, yolks included). Lunch could be salad with chicken breast/hamburger, nuts etc...

    Have you checked your thyroid for any issues?

    Would you be able to include a brisk walk during lunch hour or is there a gym near work that you can go to? A 30 min intense workout 3 times a week is mostly needed for weight loss, rest is your diet.

    Good luck!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    What is your:
    Exercise level (days of the week you exercise)
    And BF% if you know that.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Like another person said - include lunchtime walks/runs/workouts. On days where I know I won't get any other activity I pack clothes and walk or run on my lunch break. I used to go to the gym but it closed by my work. When it's cold, I walk the mall. I also walk up and down flights of stairs at work during the day. I joined the group on here "deskercisers" which encourages you to get up and move at work.

    Some days I wake up at 4:30am to go to my clinical for school before heading to work and get home around 5:30. We still either go to the gym and my daughter goes to child care or I do a video in the basement. You can find workout videos on youtube for free for 30 minutes or less. Blogilates also has lower impact, even shorter ones. Do 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. Don't tell me you can't do that :)

    I know it's hard with long days, kids, and homework. But it can be done. Establishing the routine is the hardest part. Sticking to it and seeing results will keep it going!

    Good luck!

    And other people have posted some good suggestions for food :) And take measurements!!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses and critiques. I work in a medical office and while I would love to have the time to go on a walk/run during lunch this is virtually impossible. Not only do I barely eek in time for lunch, but also there are no showers in my office and I want to be presentable for my patients. If I didn't already feel like a bad parent for having my kids in before and after care program at school I would go to the gym after worl, but I feel my time is better with them at least while they are young. I rarely eat prepackage foods (except for the breakfast veggie sausage), otherwise everything else is made by me. My BMI is 27. Thyroid has been checked and works fine (much to my chagrin). I have been eating at 1200 (average 1300-1400 if you include the weekends) since November 1.

    I think I will try getting waking up earlier and getting in some kind of workout prior to work. This is the only time I may be able to do this. I used to go to the gym at 430 with a workout buddy, but when she changed jobs this ended. There are no 24 hour gyms close enough to my house that I would feel comfortable going to by myself.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, well I will take a guess at BW, and say 150 lbs.
    Height at 5'5"
    That would be about (for no exercise) 1600 calories for your TDEE
    Your BMR is ~1350

    So that being said, your
    fat == ~0.4gr/lb body weight == ~60 gr <-minimum
    protein == ~0.6 - 0.8gr/lb body weight == 90gr - 120gr
    Your carbs can be whatever you wish to make up the remainder of your calories, so ~90 gr would be 360 calories.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Ok, well I will take a guess at BW, and say 150 lbs.
    Height at 5'5"
    That would be about (for no exercise) 1600 calories for your TDEE
    Your BMR is ~1350

    So that being said, your
    fat == ~0.4gr/lb body weight == ~60 gr <-minimum
    protein == ~0.6 - 0.8gr/lb body weight == 90gr - 120gr
    Your carbs can be whatever you wish to make up the remainder of your calories, so ~90 gr would be 360 calories.

    Actually I'm 5'6" and 167 (150 is my ideal, but I haven't seen that since before I had my kids). My BMR is 1522. But I do appreciate the macro break down:)
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    No, not BMI, BMR...R...R! Basal Metabolic Rate. Check out the link provided to you, seriously.

    And maybe you WERE averaging 1300-1400 calories per day, but, according to your logs, you've averaged 1440/day for the past 9 days. If your BMR is 1350, and your average is 1440, you're not eating at much of a deficit, kwim?

    But, if you want to exercise, which IS a good thing, go ahead. That will put you in a deficit, too, provided you don't eat all of those calories back.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Eating more and exercising helps increase your metabolism. Eating 1600 calories and burning 400 calories is much better than just eating 1200 calories and not working out. I know your schedule is tough but everyone can find 30 minutes to do something. No excuses!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, well I will take a guess at BW, and say 150 lbs.
    Height at 5'5"
    That would be about (for no exercise) 1600 calories for your TDEE
    Your BMR is ~1350

    So that being said, your
    fat == ~0.4gr/lb body weight == ~60 gr <-minimum
    protein == ~0.6 - 0.8gr/lb body weight == 90gr - 120gr
    Your carbs can be whatever you wish to make up the remainder of your calories, so ~90 gr would be 360 calories.

    Actually I'm 5'6" and 167 (150 is my ideal, but I haven't seen that since before I had my kids). My BMR is 1522. But I do appreciate the macro break down:)

    Very well then, carry on

    Why post?
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    No, not BMI, BMR...R...R! Basal Metabolic Rate. Check out the link provided to you, seriously.

    And maybe you WERE averaging 1300-1400 calories per day, but, according to your logs, you've averaged 1440/day for the past 9 days. If your BMR is 1350, and your average is 1440, you're not eating at much of a deficit, kwim?

    But, if you want to exercise, which IS a good thing, go ahead. That will put you in a deficit, too, provided you don't eat all of those calories back.

    Someone asked about my BMI which is why I posted, but I did respond with my BMR which would be about 1566, so even if I did average 1400 daily I would have a deficit.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I come up with ~1450 for your BMR
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Ok, well I will take a guess at BW, and say 150 lbs.
    Height at 5'5"
    That would be about (for no exercise) 1600 calories for your TDEE
    Your BMR is ~1350

    So that being said, your
    fat == ~0.4gr/lb body weight == ~60 gr <-minimum
    protein == ~0.6 - 0.8gr/lb body weight == 90gr - 120gr
    Your carbs can be whatever you wish to make up the remainder of your calories, so ~90 gr would be 360 calories.

    Actually I'm 5'6" and 167 (150 is my ideal, but I haven't seen that since before I had my kids). My BMR is 1522. But I do appreciate the macro break down:)

    Very well then, carry on

    Why post?

    Why post what? I was looking for advice to see where I may be going wrong or if there is something else I need to do (besides the obvious of working out).
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    simplicity is easiest.

    consume less calories than you put out.

    unless you have an underlying medical condition, which is unlikely, then this is a guaranteed method.

    and so easy...

    why cut out the things you like?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, maybe I took your response to what I posted the wrong way.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    No worries. Thanks again though:)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    You can lose weight by staying under caloric needs.

    You don't "have" to do the exercise portion.......

    That is why I posted the numbers I did for you.