26 is the year!

Hey guys! I've tried losing this weight so many times I can't even count, however I just turned 26 and something just "clicked" inside of me and I finally felt the motivation to do this! I'm so excited for this healthy lifestyle change and am looking for some friends on here for support and extra motivation when I need it. I will be keeping an open diary as well :)


  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    I also started with my weight loss at 26 too ^_^. Now at 27 my weight loss journey is almost over but my muscle gain is just beginning. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and I am here if ya need me :)

  • Thanks! I hope my 26th can be as successful as yours! You're definitely an inspiration!
  • ElliottFlowers
    ElliottFlowers Posts: 1 Member
    I agree, 26 was my year to kick myself into gear!
  • eims_
    eims_ Posts: 5
    I've got four months left of being 26, my weight and eating habits were relatively stable for a while but I've fallen off track (again). I'm determined to finish the year off on a good note and break these patterns. There's still time to turn it around... Here's to 26 eh?!
  • Riggers1612
    Riggers1612 Posts: 52 Member
    In august this year something clicked with me!

    I think the key to success is down to your mindset.

    For over 25 years I had given no thought to what I eat and then in the summer something clicked..

    I'm now on a journey to better health and fitness and I'm loving every minute of it. Although I have only been living this new life for just over 3 months
  • You guys are awesome :)
  • soulsnette
    soulsnette Posts: 35 Member
    I just turned 26 a couple of months ago and something clicked in me. Maybe because I'm closer to thirty than twenty now but I really feel like I have to finally get this weight off once and for all. Feel free to add me :)
  • karlachula
    karlachula Posts: 9 Member
    I started my fit journey at 26 too. Good luck and keep in mind that this will be a permanent change and that it is do able.