Getting back into MFP

I lost 25 pounds doing a combination of MFP and pilates. I took a break since school started, haven't gained any weight but trying to get back into it and feeling overwhelmed slightly. I started tracking calories to see where I was at and I have been eating a lot more than I used to while I was losing weight (about 400 calories more per day) I was wondering if I should go straight back into my regular calorie goal or if I should gradually decrease to that amount? it's 5 PM where I live and I have about 375 calories left today (and am feeling quite hungry) I have a lot less weight to lose now. 10-15 pounds max. and wanting to tone up too.


  • shadowharuka
    shadowharuka Posts: 92 Member
    I know I am not, but I feel like I am starving...
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    maybe just have some veggies...they will make you feel full with not too much damage...and drink a big glass of water. I am getting back on track...i had lost 25lbs and gained almost all of it back slacking off and feel awful for it...I am back on track now and this time I am more fit so hopefully it will come off faster than last time

    PS it may take some time for your stomach to shrink back or get used to eating less again that maybe why you feel super hungry
  • amberdextrious
    amberdextrious Posts: 3 Member
    Awhile ago the same thing happened to me. I was really involved in diet, exercise, and myfitnesspal. Then I began college full time and "wasn't gaining weight". You know what happened next? I thought "Oh I must be ok...but then eventually one pound gained turned into 50 pounds in a short period of time (NO JOKE). Life can make you seem "hungry" or "tired". The truth is that if you are eating more than you were, you WILL gain some weight back if you're not exercising. More calories+no exercise= weight gain. So don't do what I did and stop just because you reached your goal. Maintain your weight and your whole life will remain easier. If you feel like you can just taper your calories back more easily instead of just cutting 400 a day immediately, do that. You don't want to burn yourself out right off the bat. Good luck! And it sounds like you'll do great since you are seeking opinions.
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    It is interesting how we can sometimes feel sooo hungry. I'm hoping that you had some veggies or something sensible and didn't overindulge. It could take your stomach a little time to shrink to where it should be. I also hope that you and amberdextriou could be friends. It sounds as if you'd be good support for one another.
  • shadowharuka
    shadowharuka Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone, it is really appreciated. I think you all are right, that I am just used to eating more and my body isn't liking it. I had a fiber one bar and a homemade protein shake with a banana in it, and while I think I went over my calorie goal it wasn't nearly as much as I do when I don't pay attention at all. Plus drank a big glass of water, I am thinking I was dehydrated too. I would like to be friends with all of you if you would like. :) I need to go grocery shopping and stock up on veggies and stuff (don't currently have any) I threw out all the bad food though! I am really going to try hard and not give into my cravings. Thanks so much for listening. I felt for awhile there I was getting too strict on myself and so I decided to relax a bit but now it's just turning into bad habits and luckily I'm catching it before I gain any weight.
    Also, on a side note, after you reach your goal weight, do you need to continue myfitnesspal daily in order to prevent weight gain?