WTF is up with Weight Watchers recipes!?



  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    You really want odd WW recipes, you should find a WW's cookbook from the 70's.

    Mutant weird food, like jello with shredded cabbage.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Most cans have BPA in the lining ... Eden Organic brand cans do not ... Just sayin'
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    A friend of mine on FB posted she was making tomato soup ... I 'liked' this .... then she went on to post photos. I was some what flummoxed by what I saw, never have I seen the process of homemade tomato soup look the way her photos looked!

    A tin of beans, a tin of carrots, a tin of chopped Tomatoes, a pickled onion and stock!

    How ODD! Is it just me or is this odd!??

    Why not roast tomatoes with herbs, red onions and garlic, then blend with stock?! add lentils/split peas or butter beans for protein .... What is with all the tinned food and the pickled onion?! just makes no sense to me! It doesnt seem healthy.
    It's winter. Canned tomatoes are infinitely healthier than "fresh" tomatoes, seeing as tomatoes are highly seasonal SUMMER fruit. Any tomatoes you can buy fresh would be shipped from the Southern Hemisphere; produce tends to become much less nutritious the longer it has to travel. Canning avoids that problem.