To fitbit or not to fitbit?



  • no i do not hold the rails while on the treadmill. I used the default stride on it as well. my avg mile is 1800-2000 steps. Maybe my treadmill is lying to me lol. it was 6000 something I don't remember exactly and I can't look it up as I've already sold it off. I may not swing my arms as vigorous as I need too, I run/jog a lot to with a very closed arm position. Not saying they're all bad but letting the OP know its a possibility
  • tangy1
    tangy1 Posts: 16
    How does everyone have there settings set? To sync to 2 together I have activity on MFP set at sedatory and allow all my activity to be set by the fitbit.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member

    Yes that was me screaming from the rooftops :)

    I also find mine to be very accurate. It helps keep me accountable. I have found syncing gets wonky sometimes but I with the help of people on the forums here I was able to figure it out.
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    I have the Flex and I love it :smooched:

    I've found it pretty accurate with tracking my steps. I also love that it tracks my sleep, it's my alarm, it's comfy, it can get wet, and it syncs nicely with MFP. I log food in MFP because the Fitbit database is crap. Anyway I find it very motivating because I try and get all my stats in the green as often as possible. The past few months I've had my Fitbit are the most active I've been in years. I dig it :happy:
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Bodybugg...I got a used one off Amazon for 50.00 with 3 extra armbands and the digital display watch. With the display you don't need a subscription which is awesome.
  • uhhhDoodle
    uhhhDoodle Posts: 41 Member
    I have a Fitbit Flex and really love it. While doing some research, I did come across other people saying that it will count steps when you are not really moving… This is true BUT I feel more encouraged to move so that I AM getting those extra steps in to make up for the 'cheating steps'.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Eh. It was cool for a few weeks. I liked that it would sync with MFP automatically.

    It may work for you if you are fairly sedentary or intend to get your work out in by walking or light cardio.

    Otherwise it was pretty useless IMO.

    Eta: just so you know (and this is why mine is in a drawer somewhere) my fit it showed my TDEE within 20 calories of 99% of calculators online on non workout days. So.... Just sayin.
  • Ramatang
    Ramatang Posts: 28 Member
    I LOVE my Fitbit ONE.. I would be lost without it.. I think it is fantastic and would recommend it to anyone :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I love my fitbit One. I like the concept of the Force, but suspect it will be slightly less accurate (or at least more sensitive about things like typing). And I'm impressed with the customer service stories of how the company has handled damaged units.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I bought the Flex on July 4th weekend. Loved it. For me it was a huge motivating factor. YMMV.
    Today I just got my "500 Miles Badge" LOL. I try to walk at least 3 miles daily.
    I wore it on my non dominant wrist and never had any issues with it counting when I moved my arm. And you don't have to swing arm for it to register steps (never had it count when pushing shopping cart either). You can set sensitivity as well as your stride.

    About a week ago I bought the Force as I really wanted the clock feature as well as seeing where I was at during my daily walks.
    The Force is about 1.5x larger than the Flex, all one piece as far as charging it goes and yes one really shouldn't shower with it. I always removed my Flex to charge & clean it and the band when I showered.

    Dashboard info (free) is easy to understand and both the web version and the cell app sync quickly. I use MFP to log my food and exercise. Love the silent alarm feature on the wrist devices.

    Enjoy whatever you end up with.
  • exmsde
    exmsde Posts: 85 Member
    I love my Fitbit One. It particularly keeps me active on days I'm not heading to the gym.
  • I like my FitBit One. Not that I expect it to give me totally accurate steps or calories burned, but that it keeps track of my overall activity levels, and gives me motivation and targets to stay active.

    The One and the Force both track flights of stairs, where other FitBit models do not. I have a lot of stairs in my days, so it helps me keep track of that stat pretty well.

    I also use the FitBit Aria scale, which I like as well. MFP is kind of the glue that holds all the info together. FitBit keeps track of my activity and weight and syncs to MFP, I log food through MFP, and I have a Wahoo hear rate sensor that tracks my cardio workouts, and syncs back to MFP as well. Even if none of them are 100% accurate, it let's me keep track of the big picture, and adjust a little day to day.
  • FitBit Flex is what I have, but the Force is apparently amazing as well and I really want to upgrade! The Flex is pretty basic - it will vibrate when you reach your goal, and two taps will show you your progress (each dot means 20%,) and you can set silent alarms to wake you up in the morning. The Force has all of that, but with a screen that actually shows you how many steps, stairs, active minutes, etc. you're up to plus the time.

    The wristbands are super cool because you sleep with them, you shower with them, and you exercise with them - they're water proof, they're actually really accurate, and it tracks your sleep which is fun and useful. You only need to charge it every 5 days or so too, and the perfect time to charge it is when you're laying down for a nap or sitting down at your computer for a bit.

    FitBit's data recording and analysis is excellent as well - paired with MFP (which do sync together) you can't get better.

    10/10 would recommend. You really can't get better, FitBit is amazing.
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,507 Member
    I had a ultra, loved it. Had it clipped to my pocket & lost it. Bought a Zip, and clipped inside by pocket and it broke. I want to get the flex to try the wristband., The Force looks better, so I'm asking Santa for a Force..
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I love my fitbit.
    I've had both the Ultra and the wristband. They even themselves out and really I haven't noticed any additional tracking with the wristband. Not sure what other people are talking about.
    I've opened the Fitbit app while at work and typed, talked (I move my arms when i talk at times) and worked for over 4 hours and the fitbit flex did not track any steps.
    I highly recommend the Force. It has the best of both worlds
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    Love my flex...close to accurate, and the main thing...makes me want to move. I have a desk job I am at 10 plus hours a day. This lets me know if I have been a lazy *kitten* today. Cant be off more than logging workout with the MFP database or some of the foods they have on the end, its the big picture...are you moving, eating healthy, and staying close to goal...this helps with all that.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I charge my fitbit in the car on the way to work (after receiving a low battery notification)...

    ...and almost half of the time, I don't have to go back to my car to get it later in the morning when I remember it.

  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I have the FB One and LOVE IT!!! I have lost 31lbs since I bought it in middle of May. I am sure I would not have done this well if it were not for the activity tracker. I need to know what my calorie burn is so I can figure out what to eat. My days can vary so sticking to the same calorie goal everyday wont work. This little guy has helped me get to were I am, 7 lbs away from my goal!!!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I got my Fitbit One last December and absolutely love it! I also bought a leash to use with it. It has saved me many times from losing it, which is easy to do.

    For example, tonight I had 4100 steps and wanted to get over 5000 for my personal daily goal. What did I do? Instead of sitting in front of the TV, I went outside at 9:30 p.m. and walked until it got over 5000. I'm ready to move on up and set my step count higher. This little gadget has made a big difference with my weight loss, but an even bigger one with my fitness level.

    I'm going to add a HRM as a complement to it so I can get more accurate info about my calories burned. That's my only issue with my Fitbit--it isn't a HRM, too. It knows you were active, but it doesn't know how strenuous the activity was.
  • One of my unhappy expenditures. I really dislike that it subtracts exercise calories, which usually happens AFTER I've eaten them. You shouldn't have to hold back a couple hundred calories because it does this.