


  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Vitamin D i'm totally deficiency on that! I can take months with out put me in direct sun light. Even in summer i don't put me very much on the sun! So that can be a big possibility. Actually i saw some documentaries about that, and did also read a few things.

    This works in a different way for everyone. Some people suffer from depression in spring and might be prone to photosensitivity. So it's not easy to say what's going to help unless you talk about it to a doctor. You might suffer from a lack of some nutrients (even just minerals) which might lead to chronic fatigue, sleep or eating issues.
    If you think there might be something going on with your nutrient intake, or anything related to your weightloss journey, you might find it helpful to see a specialist.
    Since losing weight is never easy, please keep on mind that feeling discuraged happens very often. Most of the time you need to see some results before cheering yourself up again, it's always hard at the start. If you've got someone you can rely on, even just venting about what's worrying you and having a shoulder to cry on might be a good start. Sometimes we just need to feel our dearest ones closer to us in order to instantly get a little better.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you for all your answers.