Outer Leg Hurts

Whenever I move quickly (walking or running) the outer part of my leg, right above my ankle to about halfway to my knee kills. It starts to hurt within 2 minutes of quickly moving. It has done this since I can remember. Even before I was obese. If I move quickly, it hurts. It continues to hurt and hurt and hurt worse until I am hobbling. If I slow down it hurts less, but once it starts hurting it take days for it to stop hurting. It is so painful. I just started a walking/running program and I have so much energy but I can't get past this pain in my legs. I wrapped my left leg with ace bandage tightly as counter pressure seems to help and you know, it did. It still hurt, but not nearly as bad and it took longer for it to hurt, but then when I did unwrap it when I got home, it was like all the pain came at once. What could this be? I have big plans for me and doing 5ks and half marathons as I progress and I don't know what to do about it. I stretch before hand and I have been fitted for shoes before and that doesn't help either. I'm not sure what to do about it. My health insurance doesn't kick in until January either, so seeing a doctor isn't really an option either.

Anyone else have similar? How did you get past it?
