Sooo tired

I've been soo tired lately. I'm 18 5'7 and 194lbs. I wake up at 530 to do workouts for half an hour, do those when I get home from school from 330-415 and I go to bed at about 930. Throughout the day towards the end of school about 215 I get the worst tiredness wave. I start falling asleep, but when it's time for bed, I'm wide awake? I exersize a lot so I thought I should be more tired at night from working out and never taking naps? Any tips to cure the sleepiness??


  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    Stop working! LOL

    Seriously, I am like that too. But for me, it's not only anxiety that drains my energy but I've always been someone who need lots of sleep.
    For some, it's their lack of certain vitamins/nutriments,
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Are you eating enough? (Your diary isn't visible)
    Do you have the occasional rest day?

    Both are needed IMO. I eat at around an 800 cal deficit and eat back calories burned through exercise. I also have 1 rest day a week where the most I'll do is go for a gentle walk at lunch time. I do occasionally get really tired (today I feel like I could sleep for a week!) but a couple of early nights really helps.
  • Samstan101 I eat pretty good I think. In the mornings I'll have Quaker oatmeal and a yogurt, afternoons a salad with chicken, or something else if our school is serving something healthy, and at dinner it depends on what we have. For snacks I usually eat a yogurt.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Are you eating at least 1200 cals a day net (ie 1200+ any your burn through exercise)? If you don't want to lose weight you need to work out how many cals you need for maintenance. You need to be weighing & measuring all your food and logging it. If you're eating a healthy amount then have a look at how much sleep you're getting - I know for me personally, if I drop below 7.5hrs I feel exhausted after the gym. Good luck :)