How hungry to we have to get to lose the lbs?



  • pinkieme
    I have been trying the veggie soups and they do help. The cous cous based salad is a great idea, thanks! I'll give that a try since I already have some at home. I think its just hard to get used to slowing down the eating process. When I was pregnant I was always eating. My baby just turned 4 months today so I have to get out of that habit or I'll never lose the leftover pregnancy weight.

    I've been walking everyday to help gain extra calories but then I feel like I'm just walking to eat, lol!!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Call me crazy, but I am sick and tired of feeling full, fat, bloated, etc. My party with food left me STUFFED all the time.
    I'm kind of enjoying feeling hungry now. I really appreciate my food more and cooking is way more fun.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    'Ghrelin' sounds like a character from 'Beowulf'.

    "The door opened with a creak and before them stood the evil Ghrelin, its fangs and claws dripping with death"
  • johnnya2
    johnnya2 Posts: 40
    A couple of things

    1. The more you exercise the less hungry you will be. Exercise curbs hunger. Figure out when you are hungry and time work outs prior to them. During my working day I was never hungry, but when I got home, I was ready to eat a house. Exercise has helped curb that feeling
    2. Eat better foods. Empty calories are called that for a reason. They serve no purpose to filling your bodies needs (pop candy etc).
    3. Maybe you target goal is too high. If you have eaten 3000 calories a day for 10 years, you will probably not cope on a 1500 calorie diet over night.
    4. Hunger can be psychological. The taste of food may be what you enjoy. You aren't really hungry, but the ice cream, cheesecake, or chips really work on your taste buds and you really crave the salt/sugar/fat they have in them.
    5. I don't care what your calorie count is, eat as much raw broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots or mushrooms you want. They do have calories, but even if you miss your goal eating a pound of each you will be fine. I have never met an overweight person who said, I don;t eat junk food, it is because I love raw vegetables too much.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    And BTW, Motleybird - chickpeas kick so much *kitten*!
  • lpkitty
    lpkitty Posts: 45
    The first week I felt hungry but I wouldn't eat and the feeling went away. now I"m wondering if I really was hungry, or I was bored. Maybe I was hungry but my body is adjusting to less calories because I don't feel hungry anymore. And if I find myself getting "antsy" for something to eat, I'll have water and go for a walk instead.
  • SaveTheDrama
    The only time I feel hungry is in the morning, but I have found that I am not actually hungry for food but for water. I drink a glass of water in the morning then have a small breakfast and I am fine. Throughout the day the only time I get hungry is if I skip a meal or wait to long before eating. I usually have a hard time getting in my 1500+ calories because I am so full.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I do get hungry sometimes but as long as I am having water my stomach doesn't growl and i can tolerate it. I plan my meals in advance and alternate between whole grains (oatmeal in the morning with my coffee) and then usually a bowl of fruit (measured out to watch sugar) around 10 am. I try to wait for lunch till 12 which is a low carb whole wheat veggie and a slice of turkey wrap. Sometimes i will have my fruit now instead. By 2 pm i usually reach for my triscut crackers (staying with or under the serving size and breaking in half so i feel like i'm eating more) or a quarter of an apple (sliced into 4-6 pieces). dinner is between 5 and 7 and usually has a whole grain, protien and veggie or fruit- all pre measured so i know i'm not blowing my day based on too large of a portion size. If i run late on dinner i will have a snack of celery or a single dried apricot with a few almonds (usually under 5 so my fat doesn't jump). I allow myself a tablespoon of icecream (sometimes with 1/16 of a little debbie brownie so i can have my tasty bite of sweet with out killing my day). Trust me when you learn to cherish that bite it is incredible indulgent and keeps you happy. best of all the flavors linger in my mouth awhile so i still enjoy it even though the eating part is done.

    Oh and my calorie is for 1200 a day
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    5. I don't care what your calorie count is, eat as much raw broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots or mushrooms you want. They do have calories, but even if you miss your goal eating a pound of each you will be fine. I have never met an overweight person who said, I don;t eat junk food, it is because I love raw vegetables too much.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: love that!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    this is more like can't concentrate on anything except when I can next eat, door slamming, can't think, prolly shouldn't be driving, hide the cat or I'll strangle it sort of hungry. It's nags away like a toothache for a couple of hours a day. A couple of hours if I'm lucky.

    When I get hungry it's usually from poor planning, not becuase I'm running a calories deficit. But when I eat my meals as planned I don't get hungry, when I get hungry I eat. If you're not comfortable doing this you're not going to be successful over the long term. Given you're talking to a nuritionist, and if what you've told us about your diet is true. I would suggest getting a second opinion from a diatician AND seeing your doctor to see if something else is going on.

    Anything else at this point is just speculation on our part, and beyond the scope of this forum...even if we did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :laugh:

    Happy meal planning!