Changing my Schedule to Add Working Out

I'm having a really hard time getting myself to do the "fitness" part of all of this. I'm doing "fairly well" with the calories and dieting (in that I'm usually under my daily calories), but actually adjusting my normal schedule to add working out into it is proving more difficult than anticipated. Does anyone have any advice??


  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    What does your daily schedule entail?

    It's much easier for me to work out when it's, either first thing in the morning or on my lunch break at work are great times. If I wait until after work or at night, I can always find something else I "need" to do.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Do you have a lunch hour at work? Go for a walk at that time to get something in.

    For me personally I know I have to get up early. I get up at 4:50a and workout for 45-60 min and in the shower by 6:15a. I was actually given a challenge about a year ago to try getting up early for one week. I haven't stopped since. Some days are harder than others, but I always feel better after getting my workout done early.

    You could always try an evening walk before or after dinner.

    Don't need to go full speed ahead - take little steps and you'll be able to incorporate your workouts w/out feeling like its a chore!
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Sometimes you have to give up something to be able to make it to the gym. Do you have a favortie show you like to watch? The gym I go to have TV's on the treadmills so you could watch that show while walking/running. Do you have errands to do that are only a mile or two from your house, how about you walk there to do them. Sometimes it's just making little changes that make the big difference. Best of luck!
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Can I ask if the nutrition part itself is making you feel better? Are you seeing results?
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have started working out after 830pm after my kids and hubby go to bed. I am just sitting there by myself anyway so instead of drowning myself in mindless t.v. I really have no interest in anyway I pop in a dvd. I have thought about getting up early because my hubby gets up at 3am for work so I usually wake up anyways I just do not want to wake up my kids early in the morning (I live in a really small place so we are on top of each other). The hardest part for me is just getting started once I start I am fine and can continue on.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I'm having a really hard time getting myself to do the "fitness" part of all of this. I'm doing "fairly well" with the calories and dieting (in that I'm usually under my daily calories), but actually adjusting my normal schedule to add working out into it is proving more difficult than anticipated. Does anyone have any advice??

    First, you have lost 3 lbs! Way to go!

    Second, do you have a friend you can work out with? Some people find it easier to get and stay motivated if there is someone else involved. My wife does this for me. I found the time early in the morning, and I run rather than use a gym. Getting started, and staying with it, was helped a whole lot by having a caring cheering section. Each morning I hear her calling: Get up, get up and run. So, I do...otherwise it would be the cold cup of water treatment! :laugh:
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I started getting off the bus a few stops early on my way to work and just kept increasing the distance. I got to work quite early anyway so the extra few minutes walking didn't change anything. Eventually my hours changed to be a little later but I still kept leaving the house at the same time and just added that time to my walk. Then after i had done that for a while I started walking on my lunch breaks since I don't need the full hour to eat anyway ;)

    I just joined a gym a couple months ago - conveniently it was AT my workplace (though I now have a new job so it's not AS close anymore) so instead of walking all the way I started taking the bus again and using the extra half hour to lift weights 3 days a week, the other 2 days I walk my full distance as normal.

    It's honestly just a matter of substitutions. If you don't have time you need to take it from somewhere else and eventually it becomes a habit.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I like to exercise in the morning before work and it is a great feeling to have accomplished something at the start of a day.

    I like to plan my week on Sunday night or Monday morning and look at what's coming up. Then I also write down what I plan to workout that week. During the week, I look at what I planned and put that on my to-do list for the day. When I finish the workout, I circle it on the calendar. Its makes a good visual.

    In the morning, tell yourself that you will exercise, what you are going to do and when. "Later" never works for me. But if I say I am going for a run at 11am, then more than likely I do.

    If you plan to go to a gym, try to go at the same time or take the same class. You will start to meet people to talk to and will look forward to seeing them there. That makes it easier to go.