Core and Leg Exercises For The Disabled?

I am adding weight lifting to biking(the only cardio other than pool I can manage) but I am struggling to find lifts that I can do with my disability.

I don't have a gym membership so I don't have the luxury of machines. I'm a single mom and gyms just aren't an option for me right now. I have to work with what I have, which is a weight set at my home.

My issues are with my right foot and knee. Both were severely damaged in a car accident and even though I can stand and walk, I can't do either for any length of time. Most importantly, I can't TRUST them when it counts. I mean, I can stand in one place and lift things over my head. As long as my legs stay straight, I am stable. Squats? Completely out of the question. I tried to do a squat with just my body weight and my foot gave out and I twisted my bad knee. I hurt myself enough that I had to take a break from biking for a week.

So...what's left? How can I work my core and legs without being able to trust my body weight on a bent knee?


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    Have you thought of using exercise bands or tubing? They are inexpensive. You could use an exercise band to do leg presses laying on your back. Another idea might be a suspension trainer (google TRX, but there are knock offs too I think). You can use a suspension trainer on a door. They are more expensive than tubing (about $150). Just some ideas.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Google Wheel Chair Body Building Nick Scott.