Tired of Being Tired

Hi all. I am a 39 year old mother of one. I have been battling with my weight for as long as I can remember. At my heaviest I weighed 260lbs and have not had the energy to do anything. Three days after my birthday, I had the epiphany that I am an emotional eater. I sat down and made a list of everything that I was feeling. This has set me on the road to wanting to become a healthier person, not only for myself, but for my daughter as well. I started walking about 7 weeks ago. At first, all I could muster was 10 minutes. Here it is seven weeks later and I am up to a hour to a hour and fifteen minutes. I have only lost 8 lbs. but can tell that my close are starting to fit better and I have more energy. Still, however, the weight is not coming off like I was hoping it would and that is the reason I joined myfitnesspal.com. This is helping me track my food intake and calories burned. Maybe now I can see where I can improve to get this weight off.


  • Kate814
    Kate814 Posts: 145
    Thats awesome! Good luck reaching your goals.
  • Gonzafitness
    You can do this!
  • larocco328
    I was having the same problem & I went to my doctor come to find out I was anemic. This may not be what is making you tired but go to the doctor & have some blood tests. It could be a B12 issue or iron like me. I started taking an iron supplement & could not believe the difference. My workouts are so much easier & now I have enough energy to actually get some housework done when I get home. Hope this helps & good luck!
  • the_oncomingstorm
    You're off to a great start. I'm tired of feeling tired and sluggish too.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great start! and don't think "Only" 7 pounds, you LOST 7 Pounds!!!!! Way to go!
    give yourself credit.

    You've formed a new habit and thats wonderful. Glad you're hear to track the intake also.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    You can do it!! As someone who use to be overweight and struggled with emotional eating for the majority of my life I will tell you that you can do this and habits can be reversed. It just takes some time and making a mental decision everyday to foster change.
  • smokeytex74
    Thank you all for the encouragement. I am looking forward to posting my success story by this time next year. :happy:
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Good luck to you!! feel free to add me as a friend!
  • badgerdh
    badgerdh Posts: 179 Member
    Keep up the good work!!! I was truly tired of being tired as well. It got old.

    Keep at it!!!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    You're doing so well! Tracking your food and trying to eat foods that will promote you having more energy will help so much :)

    Good on you for doing this, it's going to make you feel so much better :)
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    losing a pound a week is good and consistent --- be proud of that accomplishment
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    good for you! you're worth it! just remember that. :)
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    :bigsmile: YAY!!! Wonderful job! You ARE doing it and congrats on your loss!! Keep moving forward, your doing awesome!
  • smokeytex74
    Thank you all.. It truly has been a long battle, especially with self worth.. I now know that I am worth it.. we all are.
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    Yes, MFP is a great tool to keep you in balance & on track. I was shocked when I first joined at how much I was really eating & saw immediately why I was in the shape I was in & I wondered if I could ever make it. It was hard at first but since then I have made dramatic changes & it's paying off. I personally lose inches quicker than lbs & my clothes keep getting baggier.
  • Spuggy38
    Spuggy38 Posts: 27 Member
    You're not alone
  • kanaud
    kanaud Posts: 8 Member
    The title of your post caught my eye. That is exactly how I feel! I can completely relate. I am now a mother of 2 (3 year old and 4 month old), working full time and my husband is away for work, sometimes up to 23 days out of the month. I hate telling my kids I am tired. SOmething has to change a nd I am the one who has to do it! Good luck on your journey! We can all use a little encouragement :)
  • francacosta750
    francacosta750 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel like that too. I lose and gain the same 7 lbs every week. It's depressing! I go off on the weekends
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    That's great!! Your doing good!! Keep up the good work, measure every little bit of food you eat, and keep walking :-)
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Good luck. friend me if you want, it can help if you have knowledgeable friend to have your diary open to them as well. I'm a low carber which I would encourage you to consider.