The "skinny" on sweeteners

One 8 oz glass of blueberry juice cocktail for breakfast and Im already over my sugar limit for the day! Between my juice and my fruits Im always over. Call me OCD but those red numbers drive me insane. I want all green LOL!. My question is, which is better sugar or artificial sweeteners? Ive heard so much about aspartame and such being bad Ive decided for sure IF I decided I have to have a dr pepper I will opt for regular instead of diet (although regular is sooo sweet!) I have just about given up my soda vice though. I have however become quite infatuated with Arizona diet peach tea. It is sweetened with Sucralose(Splenda Brand).
My question is in choosing is it better to get sweetened with sugar or sweetened with splenda or stevia. I know Aspartame is bad and I know unsweetened is probably best but between regular or diet, which is the best choice if the diet is sweetened without aspartame?


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I would vote for Stevia and suggest you try to wean yourself totally from any kind of sodas.
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    Congrats on quitting smoking- that is a great important step for your health!

    Skinny on sweetener- Pretty much sugar is not great, but the artificial stuff is even worse. For pre-made sweetened items such as soda, I stick to the regular as the research all shows the artificial is causing more problems, and generally unhealthy. ( Dr. Pepper is my vice too). When it comes to preparing things at home and needing a sweetener, you may want to look for agave- tastes like brown sugar but is in a syrup form, also there is stevia- liquid drops, and truvia- the crystalized form. These are all natural and safe to use and better alternative to sugar.

    Hope that helps- my advice would be to continue doing what you are doing- post messages and research. Have fun!
  • butrfly86
    I freaked when I changed my journal to show sugar. I spoke with my nutritionist about how much I was ingesting and he said not to worry so much about the natural sugars that I ingest from my fruits/veggies/yogurt etc. Just pay careful attn to your refined sugar intake.

    As far as sugar substitutes go, I would choose stevia. It is a natural sweetener as opposed to Splenda which is a chemically altered artificial sweetener. Check out the link below to read about some of the issues that have been raised from an initial study from Duke University about Splenda.
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    IMHO, stay away from the artificial sweeteners. They're toxic, dork up your body and often make you crave more food. I used to use agave since I love the taste but it's now coming to light that it isn't as good for you as once touted since it's actually very highly processed (like high fructose corn syrup) and no longer endorsed as an option for those w/diabetes. Stevia is probably a safe choice if you are okay with the taste although most of it is processed in China and there have been too many close-calls w/tainted food there as of late. I've been trying to quit sugar & sweeteners "cold turkey" but when I do use something, I use Truvia or Purevia. If it's something I can sweeten w/unsweetened juice, I usually try that since it's more natural.

    Hope this helps! I'm in the same boat and I really hate to see those red numbers staring back at me as well! Good luck!
  • animatedbecca
    Thank you all so much! After reading all your posts my decision is :
    NO more sodas/diet or otherwise
    Switch my juice to all natural instead of "juice cocktail"
    When I have to have something besides juice or water, enjoy an Arizona diet with Splenda and dont beat myself up about it.
    Switch to Stevia packets instead of Spenda for now and try to find same packets in Truvia
    And...for now take that@#$%^ sugar of my tracking so I will worry more about calories and less about sugar :)
    You all (and this site) ROCK!!!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    You all (and this site) ROCK!!!

    YOU rock!!!:flowerforyou:
  • animatedbecca
    Aww thank you! Im trying :)
  • NikkiWork
    NikkiWork Posts: 24 Member
    Well my doctor recommended Sun Crystals, I can handle the taste but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't go with Stevia? Suggestions?
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    I heard a guy drank a diet coke and his neck fell off! crazy - must be poison!
  • bltate99
    I used to get mega-migraines when i drank regular diet coke. When i went to splenda diet coke or diet rite, they stopped.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Tazo tea now has zero calorie iced teas made with stevia! Check it out!

    Editted to add: I stay away from all artificial sugars, including splenda. Horrible, horrible, horrible migraines commence.
  • dalonso
    dalonso Posts: 2
    I also would go with Stevia. At least it is a natural sweetener. I was using Equal in most everything and ended up in the hospital because they thought I had Multiple Sclerosis. Could not walk without assistance and horrible leg cramps. I quit using equal and within a few days, all my symptoms dissappeared. I now use either Stevia or Splenda. No problem with either. Aspertame is dangerous stuff!
  • akninsas
    akninsas Posts: 49 Member
    I quit drinking diet sodas in April once I learned that the aspartame in diet sodas is a nerve toxin. My Doctor told me Truvia is okay to use. I do use Splenda from time to time as well. I just realized the other day that VitaminWater Zero is made with Truvia. Its a great alternative when you want something besides regular water.
  • animatedbecca
    Was able to find Truvia packets and Agave liquid when I went shopping today :)
    Nina of you dont mind, where can I go to make the before/after avatars like you have in your pic?
  • ab2625
    ab2625 Posts: 4
    sweeteners are all around unhealthy, i weaned myself off of diet coke, starting with flavored seltzer and izze (soda made with fruit juice) but even now they still taste too sweet. youll be amazed how your cravings go away!
  • NeNaBeAr
    NeNaBeAr Posts: 13
    Congrats on quiting soda, but Splenda is definitely a big no no. Stevia is a natural sweetner, but they process it alot, so its about as bad and if you notice it has the same after taste as alot of other artifical sweetners. My suggestion is Agave Nectar, it doesn't bother the blood sugar much, and its easy to transition to. Sugar is definitely not the best idea if you are trying to watch it but definitely try the Agave Nectar. Also another drink that is good with just enough sweet and is good. is a brand called Honest Tea. Its a great drink. and comes in different flavors.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I have xylitol in my tea/coffee. It's a natural sugar. Zero GI and half the calories of refined sugar. And supposed to be very good for your teeth! it tastes just like sugar too :love:

    Artificial sweeteners make my wrists ache! I know it sounds weird, but Ive been tested for arthritis and I dont have it. But when I completely stop artificial sweeteners - chewing gum, diabetic sweets, low cal lime cordial - the pain goes away. Weird!

    Anyway, I really wouldnt even count sugar from fruit or fruit juice, apart from counting the calories. The sugar, fructose, has a totally differnt impact on your body and is not harmful to anyone that I've ever heard of.

    Diet drinks are the root of all evil !! I think they should ban them :mad:

    Anything natural is fine :bigsmile:
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I heard a guy drank a diet coke and his neck fell off! crazy - must be poison!

    Ive seen this smart elic comment around the boards several times...the 1st time it was cute, but really, all it is is poking fun at those of us that actually DO think that diet coke is poison...Sorry, just cant put that crap in my body when im trying to be healthy and take care of myself, and anyone else who is trying to be healthy and take care of themselves shouldnt put it in their body either... im just sayin'
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Curd... just looked at my sparkling water.. it has Sucralose... and that's the same as Splenda right?

    I just got a bunch of them too... drats!