Stick with it

Hi everyone,
I'm new to my fitness pal. For the past 6-8 months I've been in such a slump and super uncomfortable in my own skin. I have a closet full of clothes that don't fit me anymore so I joined MFP to help get me back on track. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by next summer. That is completely doable right? Well i think it is but it seems harder than it sounds. So I decided to start logging what I eat throughout the day and oh my goodness no wonder I've gained weight!!! Also, I am one of those people who always says that I never have time to exercise-that I'm always too busy with school or long days at work or pretty much anything. I read somewhere that it only takes 60 days to train your brain to get used to something. So if you exercise every day for 60 days it is supposed to train your mind to get used to it and want to do it daily. So thats what I'm going to do. I'm going to challenge myself to exercise every day for 60 days. I have time every day to shower and time every day to put on makeup,or to do things I want etc, so I should have 30-60 minutes every day to workout. Who's with me?? Who wants to try the 60 day challenge of working out every day?


  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    I think your goal is absolutely doable, however, sometimes you need to give your body a rest from working out. If you don't then you will really fall off the wagon. Not resting leads to fatigue, muscle fatigue, etc. What I'm saying is, is that its ok to want to try to work out everyday for 60 days straight but please don't get discouraged or beat yourself up if you need a rest. Since you are new, I recommend wearing a heart rate monitor while you exercise so you can accurately record the calories burned. A lot of people on here rely on the calories burned if you pre-select the elliptical or treadmill. I've found that I was overestimating my calories burned before I bought the HRM.

    You can do it! Good luck! :)