Dieting and illness

Hi all,

I'll start by saying that i know i'm not fat, just very unhealthy and need to lose around a stone.

I've suffered for a number of years with malabsorbtion which means that everytime i eat, i have to dash to the toilet and everything i just ate comes away (sorry i can't think of a non vile way to word it)

I weigh exactly the same as i did 12 months ago and haven't got any bigger, but i eat around 4000 cals a day. This i'm assuming is what i need to maintain my weight. I choose not to take the chemical medicines that you can take for my condition and just eat more.

As i say I want to lose a little bit of weight but not follow the strict 1200 cals this site reccomends.

So basically what i'm asking is, how many calories would you reccomend i eat to lose 2lb a week? or should I just see how it goes?

I'm new to this whole dieting thing so any advise would be greatly appreciated.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    That's a question for a doctor or someone with specialized knowledge, not people on a diet forum.