Please...what do I do?! Calf issues



  • cllmetatrsld
    cllmetatrsld Posts: 58 Member
    Well I don't run on an incline but I can tell my calves are harder. They don't jiggle like they used to either. If it's not muscle gain is it perhaps just swollen muscle or something to that effect? I have been told I eat too much sodium (I have been doing much better and now keep it under 2500 and really try to keep it at 2000) and I really don't drink hardly anything throughout the day as I am never thirsty (but I drink about 14 ounces of water when I run). I don't know if this would have anything to do with it...
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    I'm not sure if this is relevent, but do you run mostly on your toes w/o putting your heal down? This will work your calves more than your other leg muscles, similar to what the previous poster mentioned about running up hill.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Buy boots a half size bigger and wear thick socks. The bigger the shoe size the bigger the rest of the boot. Half a size will give you lots of space to fit the calves in and yet a thick pair of socks will make them fit your foot well.

    Just sharing this again. I have 19" calves and they haven't gained or lost size since I started lifting (genetics). I buy my boots half a size big and the calves fit.
  • aimeev2
    aimeev2 Posts: 49 Member
    The only time I was able to fit into "regular" size tall boots was right after I had my leg cast removed after 6 weeks of not bearing weight. I thought I would love the (however temporary) look and feel of a skinny calf muscle. Instead, it made me really depressed because all it represented to me was the miles I hadn't run, the spin classes I hadn't attended, and the pilates sessions I'd missed. I ask you to be kind to yourself and thankful for the calf muscles that carry you through the day and are a symbol of being healthy and strong!:smile: