Help, I can't get motivated!

Hi, My name is Sara, I'm 17, 5'2'' tall, and I weigh 187 pounds. This is clearly obese, and I am so upset that I'm now in a size 16 pants. I need to lose 60 pounds at least to be healthy, and I want to do this really badly, but I have a food addiction, and I can't just break it. My family cannot afford much of health food, and I know that skipping meals is detrimental to weight loss more than it is helpful.. Would anyone be willing to add me here, and on facebook, or email? I really need someone to remind me daily that I need to lose weight and that I need to exercise and be healthy..Please please please!! And any tips on losing weight on a busy schedule??

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  • emeraldvssilver
    emeraldvssilver Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, I'm a student so food is very heavily budgeted and sometimes one bag of frozen chips is a lot cheaper than all the ingredients for a salad.

    But as for motivation, the only thing I can say is that is has to come from yourself. People who rely on others to get them motivated tend not to succeed, I'm not saying that support is a bad thing at all, I'm just saying that it has to come from yourself or else you'll come to rely on others and when they stop reminding you you'll fall into bad habits again.

    When I first started losing weight it was because I'd watched Embarrassing Fat Bodies which was a special episode of Embarrassing Bodies, I don't know what it was in that episode but as soon as I watched it I stepped on the scale and decided right then that I was going to lose weight. If you want to watch it try this link (I hope that works)

    As for the daily reminder, try setting a reminder on your phone or there are apps that remind you everyday to log your food and workout, I like Noom Walk personally because it records everything you could possibly need to know about your workout.

    I hope this has been a bit helpful to you and good luck :)
  • MsAudreyC94
    MsAudreyC94 Posts: 4 Member
    ok, so only eat half of a meal (sounds hard but it is easy after a week or so) try to walk at a brisk pace for 20-30mins every day. Find exercise videos on YouTube and follow them in your home (easier and cheaper than gym membership) only eat dessert once a well. I usually pick Saturday but whatever works best for you! Also tro drinking a glass of water before every meal and Everytime you feel like having a snack. In fact carry a water bottle with you 24/7 and take sips from it to rid your body of toxins. Good luck!