I need help starting with exerrcise



  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    I so, so feel you. I'm trying to increase my amount of exercise too. There are a ton- a TON- of good workout videos on YouTube; search around, find one that you think is interesting, and try it out! You don't have to finish the whole video, and you can pause it if you need a break or get short of breath (I had to take a break in the middle of cardio kickboxing last night so I wouldn't get an asthma attack). I really enjoy the dance videos- you get to prance around like a doofus in the privacy of your own home, and it doesn't /feel/ like you're exercising. (But you are!)
    I'd also say don't try to overextend yourself your first few times out. Working out for sixty minutes, getting exhausted and downtrodden, and quitting for the rest of the month won't be as beneficial as working out for thirty minutes twice a week (or twenty minutes three times a week, or 15 minutes 4 times a week) for the rest of the month. Try to set up a little pattern, work to maintain it, then when you feel ready, start increasing it a little. Slow and steady.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My biggest hurdle was I don't like to exercise. Its a chore and bothersome.
    Don't do it.

    I train. I'm always training. Training to accomplish a goal. Then I set my next one.

    I run and I lift heavy.

    Couch 2 5k and Strong lifts 5x5 is what I started with. Worked for me.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    If you have a smart phone there are tons of free apps to get you started and most have reminders to help keep you on track. I like Run Keeper, Runtastic Six Pack and Workout Trainer by Skimble.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Is there anything is particular you like to do? I love dance, and I was doing that until I had an injury. Do you like walking, biking or anything where you can move? It doesn't matter what you do as long as you're moving...

    I just started about a month ago. I have explored many things. I joined a gym which I actually really like because it's very open and never too crowded and I can watch good looking guys lifting weights! But seriously, there are certain machines I like and ones I don't, and I stick to the ones I like. I find it sort of relaxing to go because it's me time and allows me to think and watch t.v. while I'm on the machines and know I'm doing something good for myself.

    I think you should just start off slowly with whatever you decide to do and then build on it. Experiment until you see what you really like. I have recently found some Zumba classes, and although they're a little hard for me (I don't do all the jumps and such yet), it's really much more fun than I thought it would be and I have met some really nice people. I also found aqua Zumba, which is Zumba in the pool.

    So, I think experiment and see what you like and what you hate and then do what you like...

    Good luck!
  • jenchamb1
    jenchamb1 Posts: 73 Member
    I hate exercise too. Or at least I did. When I started mfp, I just worked on the calorie part for the first few months. That was in February. When the weather got nice, I tried the c25k and it wasn't great for me and really didn't enjoy it. So then I just walked every night. Two miles, then 3. Then in June I started walking before work 2.6 miles and 3 at night. I actually started to like it. My mom walked with me in the am, my husband or son at night. When school started back up, I had to quit my am walk, and instead do walking videos on demand, some include cardio. I still do my afternoon walk, but now usually alone because it gets too dark/cold by the time someone can join me. I listen to music and find that it really, really destresses me and I look forward to it. Never thought I would say that. I may even try the c25k again next Spring. We'll see. But you should start small or you will really hate it and stop. Go easy on yourself and try a few things that people suggested until you find something you can do and not dread. Good luck!
  • dogpeeps
    dogpeeps Posts: 57 Member
    I so, so feel you. I'm trying to increase my amount of exercise too. There are a ton- a TON- of good workout videos on YouTube; search around, find one that you think is interesting, and try it out! You don't have to finish the whole video, and you can pause it if you need a break or get short of breath (I had to take a break in the middle of cardio kickboxing last night so I wouldn't get an asthma attack). I really enjoy the dance videos- you get to prance around like a doofus in the privacy of your own home, and it doesn't /feel/ like you're exercising. (But you are!)
    I'd also say don't try to overextend yourself your first few times out. Working out for sixty minutes, getting exhausted and downtrodden, and quitting for the rest of the month won't be as beneficial as working out for thirty minutes twice a week (or twenty minutes three times a week, or 15 minutes 4 times a week) for the rest of the month. Try to set up a little pattern, work to maintain it, then when you feel ready, start increasing it a little. Slow and steady.

    I like doofus ... then it's fun; not a chore. Thanks!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I would just commit to 20 to 30 minutes a day and then just make yourself do something. You could go for a walk, turn on the music and dance around the house, go for a bike ride, find a work out video at the library or on you tube, take a different fitness class at a gym (you usually don't need a membership to try a class, here we can pay for one at a time), etc. Anything that gets you moving.

    Find something you enjoy and you will have better luck sticking with it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I love exercise. I weight train and run on M, W, F. On T, Th, Sun, I do the elliptical and the stationary bike or spinning bike. On Sat, I walk or do the elliptical. I do this all at the gym.

    It's important to find what works best for you. There are a lot of great suggestions here too.

    Someone also mention dance, which is excellent exercise. When I was in college years ago I needed some electives in between my regular classes so I chose ballet and jazz dance. I didn't lose a single pound but I shrunk in size. It was so awesome.

    i tried dance a few years ago but it wasn't the same experience for me. I love my running and weight lifting though.