Anyone else unable to lose weight while breastfeeding?

I eat my calorie goal everyday, and go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I know some people's bodies continue to store fat while BF, so if this happened to you, did you lose it quickly when you weaned?


  • melissafox18
    I didn't have much success while breastfeeding after the initial weight loss after the baby was born. You're not alone!
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    I really struggled with my weight for the first two years of breastfeeding. Once my daughter turned two I was finally able to lose weight and have lost 74 lbs since January. She's still nursing and almost three, but I don't make much milk anymore. Nursing now is primarily for comfort and antibodies (she never gets sick!). Hopefully once your baby turns one (or two in my case) and breastmilk isn't solely relied on for nutrition you'll have an easier time with weight loss. Hang in there momma!