Do Weekly Refeeds and I.F. help Leptin levels?

......First paragraph just explains why my body got messed up, just scroll down to second paragraph for my real question.....

Hey, from May 19-21 2012 I went on a fast but had a few meals and lost 9lbs to look good for a trip to Montreal and on my trip I binged on things like twinkie and bread and once arriving back home on May 25 2012 I gained back 10lbs and I was not affected after that. Then in June 2012 I wanted to look good again an starved for 7 days and lost 10lbs this time, with some meals also and then went to a party on the 7th day and ate at least 5000 cals worth of complete junk food and gained back the weight with an extra 5-8lbs. Ever since my 7 day fast in June 2012 my appetite has never been the same and ive always had a naturally bigger appetite since then. So in August 2012 I did distance running and ate clean and almost got back to my original weight, now I was trying to lose fat to get to that weight and before I was trying to lose fat to move from that weight. So In sept 2012, school started and I stopped exercising and my appetite kicked back in and I gained MORE, and by Jan 2013 I had enough and did the 6 small meals to lose slow fat and to never be hungry so by June 2013 I got to my ideal weight the healthy way and in July 2013 once comin off the diet, I just had some chips and it fired up my appetite for the next week and a little for the rest of the summer, and yes it caused me to binge back all of my 6 months worth of diet. Then In September of this year I started intermittent fasting but hit a 4 week plateau and stopped counting calories for a week, and again, the hunger came back and I binged but I only gained 1lbs or two, so I started intermittent fasting again a few weeks ago and got better results, also im doing insanity workouts now and this week I discovered the whole thing about Leptin and refeeding on he internet, which helped me to identify why im always so hungry when not on a diet.

Paragraph 2 lol

So now that im aware my leptin still hasn't got back to norm from the damage it took from my 7 day fast of June 2012, if I do Intermittent Fasting with 4 hours fed and 20hrs fasted with one refeed day at 100cals above maintainance, can I lose weight and once coming off the diet, have my leptin levels finally recovered and eat normally without having that insane appetite, because with my goal weight id need the same amount of calories for maintenance that I used to need for my former weight that I somehow used to manage to sustain without watching my diet or exercising since my leptin levels were norm at that time, if I get them to norm now, I may be able maintain my weight naturally after this diet. Right?


  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    You didn't do any damage fasting for 7 days. Your leptin levels go back to normal within hours of your refeed. Who told you that you did damage fasting for 7 days?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No idea where you came up with all of this but no you didn't damage you metabolism or anything else with your crazy fad diet and year and a half ago.

    You're binge eating because you're fasting, getting overly hungry then eating everything that doesn't move. Set yourself a reasonable budget, forget the disordered eating you've been doing and you'll be fine. So far what you're doing borders on an eating disorder and that isn't a road you want to go down.