High Carb Maintenance week to raise Leptin Levels?

So I know refeed days are where you eat a bit over maintenance with carbs once a week to raise Leptin which helps stabilize hunger to stop over eating once done dieting. So if I do a refeed day once a week while losing weight with exercise and Intermittent Fasting, once I get to my ideal weight and I eat a high carb diet on maintenance calories or a bit over maintenance for a week or two, will my Leptin levels stabalize and allow me to maintain my new weight without that increased hunger? If im coming at this wrong, but on the right track, some tips would be appreciated, thanks.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Complicated. I've been reading http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/95/11/5037.full

    This seems to show the people who lost most weight had a bigger drop in Leptin and Insulin. http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/95/11/5037/T2.expansion.html

    It also appears to show the leptin levels in the regainers (red line below) stayed steady after the weight loss, as with those who kept the weight off, but the regainers were at a slightly higher level. In other words their levels were not restored - leptin is produced by fat tissues isn't it - so less fat = less leptin ??

  • D8vidFitness
    Not too sure what is being asked; anything you eat can raise leptin levels. Carbs and fats however on topic of refeeding is purposely done to raise Libido back up (hormones) in a semester of cutting.

    You don't typically need to refeed going on IM because you should be getting all your dietary needs, just in time blocks.

    Most people refeed on a cut (low carb diet, with high healthy fats) on a cheat day once a week, but you probably know already.

    However, if it's been working out for you, keep it up, everyone's different.

    Hope I helped, good luck.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    So I know refeed days are where you eat a bit over maintenance with carbs once a week to raise Leptin which helps stabilize hunger to stop over eating once done dieting. So if I do a refeed day once a week while losing weight with exercise and Intermittent Fasting, once I get to my ideal weight and I eat a high carb diet on maintenance calories or a bit over maintenance for a week or two, will my Leptin levels stabalize and allow me to maintain my new weight without that increased hunger? If im coming at this wrong, but on the right track, some tips would be appreciated, thanks.

    You should re-read what you wrote. If you are eating this way (which has nothing to do with how much you way) to raise leptin levels, why would getting to your goal weight affect how your leptin levels are raised and lowered based on your diet?

    So If I understand correctly. Once you get to your goal weight you are going to change your diet. Ummm WHY? Just come up with a plan you can do forever and be what you wanna be instead of eating a certain way until you get to where you want to be, and then gaining it all back by changing things around.

    This sounds like the professional sports team that just won the world championship and then gets rid of all its players once it reaches its goal. Yayyy!