I did the 5K

I did my first 5K today. Took me about 60 mins, where it has been taking about 72 minutes. I walked with a friend, pretty sure we were pretty much dead last. I feel pretty down about it. We got a little of a late start and when we checked in they said sorry the largest size shirt we have is a medium. Yeah Right! I took it anyway. Just wished I could have a least gotten somewhere in the middle. Called my mom she tried to be encouraging, but I still feel pretty down. Not that I want to stop dieting but I was so excited this morning about losing 7 lbs and after I finished the race I just felt discouraged. I keep thinking what if I put all this effort into this and I never reach my goal. If this sounds like a pity party I am sorry it is. Just thought that maybe if I share this it will make me feel a little better! :cry:


  • ehorner1976
    ehorner1976 Posts: 147
    I did my first 5K today. Took me about 60 mins, where it has been taking about 72 minutes. I walked with a friend, pretty sure we were pretty much dead last. I feel pretty down about it. We got a little of a late start and when we checked in they said sorry the largest size shirt we have is a medium. Yeah Right! I took it anyway. Just wished I could have a least gotten somewhere in the middle. Called my mom she tried to be encouraging, but I still feel pretty down. Not that I want to stop dieting but I was so excited this morning about losing 7 lbs and after I finished the race I just felt discouraged. I keep thinking what if I put all this effort into this and I never reach my goal. If this sounds like a pity party I am sorry it is. Just thought that maybe if I share this it will make me feel a little better! :cry:
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    You should be SO PROUD of yourself. I am serious. I don't care if you were dead last or not. That took real initiative, and lots of people don't exercise that much in one day. I hope you know that you are doing a great job, and I'm glad you had a friend to walk with.

    NO ONE was looking at you thinking, "Jeez, could you be any slower?" People aren't as judgmental as you think. You did your best, and I bet people were glad to see you finish. Maybe you will feel better tomorrow.
  • Families_R_Forever
    Oh my gosh!!! you should be so happy and proud of yourself. Who cares if you came dead last, your body does not care. It loves the fact that you went that far. And your heart and mind should be proud that you had the courage to do it. Hurray to you!!!. You are an inspiration to those of us who haven't made it that far yet. Thanks for sharing. Heidi:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hey, we all have to start somewhere! This is a logical point. Use it as a barometer. If you keep taking chunks off your time, it means you're getting in better shape! There's no reason to be down! You DID it! That's all that matters! Keep doing it, keep working at getting better at it, some day you can look back and feel proud! I have enormous respect for you, doing your first event is very difficult, and just the fact that you got out there and did it says a lot about your strength of character.
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Listen, YOU did the 5K, look at how many didn't, including me. If you hadn't, you may be more discouraged about not doing it than you are now. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!! KUDOS TO YOU!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    I think its AWESOME that you did a 5K!!!!
    There is absolutely no reason to be down at all. Your motivation really strikes me and I thank you for that! You've taken a huge amount of time off of it and that shows much progress just right there. It sounds like you're doing amazingly well, so keep it up! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • sapphyre0702
    Aww, don't feel discouraged. Anyone doing a 5K has already won...and so many people don't ever go out on a limb and try something new.

    Plus, it was your first 5K and you dropped 12 MINUTES from your regular! 12 minutes is huge! It's half of a prime time tv show practically!

    You are losing weight, exercising and improving every day....what's to be bummed about? The only person you can compare yourself to is yourself (so much easier said than done i know, but it's nice to remember).

    Congratulations on everything!!! You earned it!
  • natashav
    natashav Posts: 108 Member
    that is wonderful that you finished, i wish they had walks like that around here where i live. anyways :drinker:
  • lolakey
    lolakey Posts: 91
    If it makes you feel any better, I did my first 5K today and I feel horrible about it.

    First of all, it snowed. I hate running in the cold. I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold. I went anyways, because I had already paid the registration fees. Secondly, the turnout was pretty sad and although I ran it the whole time (my goal was to just be able to run it), I finished last at 38 minutes. That's right ... everyone was waiting for me so they could get the results. My time was about 4 minutes slower than what I can normally do.

    Oh well. I couldn't even run one mile a few months ago. My next race will be great and so will yours!
