I'm choosing "healthy for life" over "skinny for now"

jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
A few weeks ago some of my family members decided to start a "Biggest Winner" contest. Everyone puts in $20 and at the end of 6 weeks, whoever has lost the most weight wins the pot.

I decided to join the contest. However, just about that same time, I made the decision: stop trying to lose weight and start learning to be healthy! That meant I wasn't going to starve myself or kill myself with exercise so I can lose the most weight in 6 weeks. I'm choosing to eat healthy, eat enough & stay active! This is something I know that I can and want to do for life. So, I may not win the pot at the end of the contest, but I know I've made a lifestyle change that is worth much more than $100!!

Makes me sad to see people using all these crazy, fad diets to lose weight: 500 calories per day, hormone injections, no fruit, no carbs, etc. It's all non-sense! Learn to eat well and in a way that you can eat for the rest of your life. If you are using a "temporary" diet, then your success will only be temporary!


  • karot32
    karot32 Posts: 46
    hear hear!
  • HaesMom
    HaesMom Posts: 11
    I completely agree, we all want to be skinny when we wake up in the morning after only one day of dieting, but just like that's never going to happen, neither will being able to stick with these fad diets, and crazy concotions we hear about.

    After I had my daughter I thought I had to lose all the weight by a certain time, the time has come and gone. I've lost 69 pounds since I've had her, and I've done it slowly, and that seems to be the best way to ensure that I'm going to keep it off, I can eat "BAD" foods and still be okay, because as I'm coming to realize its not the food that is "BAD" its our perception of ourselves after we eat said food. It's a sick that we punish ourselves when we're only doing what's natural.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I contest is a good incentive.
    you are going for the bigger prize, life long and permanent changes for your health.
    Great attitude!
    Good luck!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Good for you! I'm a firm believer in the chosing health over looks because if you make healthy choices, losing weight and looking good will come naturally! This way, you'll learn to make healthy choices for the rest of your life and look/feel great too! YAY!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Thats awesome, what a healthy outlook you have on life!
    and dont even get me started on all those crazy diets out there, I think its all ridiculous!
    The only diet im on is the staying within my calories diet, I eat what I want till im full and
    try to make the most healthy choices but I dont deprive myself of the things I really want
    (not unless its soda, I totally gave that up).
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Agreed, there is no need to give up foods and treats that you love. It's all about making good choices most of the time and allowing yourself special meals and treats on occassion. I ate a few yummy cupcakes this past weekend and guess what? The world didn't come to end! And I still lost 2lbs! :wink:
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