Circuit Training Etiquette?



  • progressnotperfection84
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Circuit training comes off as a rude and inconsiderate to me anyway. I guess I am just old fashioned.

    circuit training has more cardio benefits than running on the treadmill/ellipitfcal. Rude? Not even close. It only becomes rude when the person doing the circuit hogs up all the machines and doesn't let others work in their sets. Don't blame circuit training... blame the lifter,.

    As for the OP- you aren't circuit training. You are horizontal loading. Even so- the other person should have been nicer to you about it. Sounds like she is crazy.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    oh man, she was in the wrong and not you. I think tonight I may have jumped on a machine a guy was going for and he hesitated for a second then went to a different machine. Easily handled. I never take my earphones off ever. Not even when someone tried to talk to me. I don't know them so therefore I don't care what they have to say to me. My gym has monitors at the front desk and many signs everywhere about not monopolizing machines. Kill that ***** with kindness next time and don't take your earphones off. She cant be one every dam machine at all times. Good luck next time.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I didn't even know there was such a thing as circuit training etiquette. I guess my gym doesn't have a designated area for it that I know of. Regardless, that woman should have just chilled and not carried on after you left the machine. I would think she was insane and definitely let her know that I was not 100% in love with her tone and attitude.

    its pretty not hog five machines while doing your five routine circuit...
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I ran into an issue this morning and I'm hoping someone can educate me on what is appropriate etiquette for circuit training machines.

    I work out every morning in my gym, as it is not very busy or crowded. I always use the circuit training area because I don't have much time. This morning as usual, I was working my way through the machines, I finished one machine and was waiting for a woman to finish the next one in line so that I could use it. It was my last machine in the circuit. She left the machine (without wiping it down, by the way), and went to another machine across the set. I began doing my 3 sets of 10, and was almost done with my 2nd set when the same woman came up to me and asked me if she could work in for the machine. I told her sure, I was almost done, I just had one more set of 10 and I'd be done.

    She then began insulting me, talking about how I obviously don't know proper weight training etiquette, and that it is rude to sit on a machine between sets while other people are waiting on a machine. I explained that I just do 3 sets of 10 and I'm done. She continued arguing with me, so I told her then by all means, it's all yours, and I got off the machine to let her use it. Apparently that still wasn't good enough, because she continued to tell me how rude I was, and I told her it seemed to me it was more rude to interrupt someone's workout like she just did, and at that point I walked off. She continued ranting at me, but I have no idea what else she said, as I kept walking and put my headphones back on.

    So was I in the wrong here? If it were a regular weight-training area (which the gym has, by the way), then I could see where she was coming from, minus the rude delivery. However, being as it is a circuit training area and the only breaks I took were long enough to shake out and stretch my muscles for a few seconds and then get right back to it, I don't feel I was doing anything wrong.

    Anyone know the appropriate way to handle this?
    You took the high road and did not engage with her. It was her that did not have proper gym etiquette. I would put my headphones back in, ignored her, let her make fool of herself, .