Trying For a Healthy Relationship with Food...


I suffered from an eating disorder for a while in high school/early college. I was way too skinny and felt terrible about myself in so many ways. I went through counseling for a couple of years to sort some stuff out and it helped me to overcome my aversion to nourishing my own body. That sounds great and all, but I feel like I'm obligated to make sure I eat or I'll develop an eating disorder again.. though I'm not entirely sure it ever went away. I stuff my face with all kinds of food to prove to myself that I don't have a problem with NOT eating and now I'm overweight. I hate myself for my relationship with food and I have no idea how to just have a healthy relationship and eat like a normal person. If somebody offers me a cookie and I turn it down, I panic and think I'm going to stop eating again... but if I eat it, I panic that I'm only eating one to prove a point so I feel obligated to eat more... yes, to prove a point. Ugh... Anyway, I figure a healthy weight for me would be about 140lbs so I'm trying to track my exercise and calories on this site in the hopes that eventually eating like a normal person will be second nature.


  • pastelraindrops
    hey ^_^ I'm recovering from an eating disorder as well! It's really difficult to find that line between extremes! What helps me is remembering food will always be there!! You can turn something down and buy the same thing at the store later if you want it. Or something else anything anytime you want. I hope the website isnt triggering. It hasn't been for me and probably wont be if I stay out of the gain weight section. I believe you can eat without a second thought someday :)