Back on the bandwagon

I've been using the site for a little while to track my meals without posting, but everyone here is so supportive and friendly that I decided to finally say hello. So, hi everyone!

A short while back, just before I turned 40, I decided I had to do something because I have always struggled with my weight, and it was only going to get harder and harder to lose the extra. So, I spent 5 months counting calories, lost 50 pounds, and have kept it off for a year. I gained back a lot of confidence, I feel much healthier,and I even took up roller skating again. But recently, I've decided that maintaining at the just-past-the-halfway point wasn't good enough and have jumped back on the bandwagon to drop the next 40. So, it's time for less calories and more gym for me!

All the success stories posted here have been so inspiring, that I just know I'll be able to stay motivated to go all the way!

Height: 5'5"
Starting weight: 225
Current weight: 172
Goal weight: 135
