Here we go again... for real this time

Hi folks, I am back on the wagon again. I am so tired of quitting and them looking back and saying, dang, if I would have stuck with it I would be at goal by now. So for reals this time, I am doing it.

That being said, I am hungry all the time! How long does it really take for your body to adjust to a new diet???


  • **Notice** Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor or dietician or any such thing. Always consult with your physician before beginning an exercise program or "diet"

    Don't be on a "diet". Everything you eat is your "diet". You don't have to starve, really its just paying attention to how many calories are actually in things, and adjusting portions. You can eat all the same things you ever did if you like, but you must must must moderate portions.

    #1 Drink water, lots of water. before breakfast drink 16oz. before lunch drink 16oz., before dinner etc. drink before you go work out and during and after. yes, you will be peeing your brains out, for a few days anyway. but step one is maintaining good hydration.

    #2 Make your intake and workout time a priority. As a Therapist once said,"If you don't have time for something you know you need to do, it is because you have not made it a priority, and have allowed other things to be a priority over your health" Ok maybe that is a paraphrase, but it is an important truth. You MUST make your new LIFEstyle a priority over the other junk in your life.

    #3 Make sure you take it slow, and get the rest you need. You must sleep. You burn the majority of your calories while you sleep and your body is repairing and rebuilding and/or refreshing.

    #4 Go to the gym or walk the neighborhood, get up and do. Potatoes only plant roots. ya gotta get going, and make it a routine. So long as you do, YOU CAN.

    #5 You are going to mess up here and there, that's okay, we all slip. Don't make it a habit. Get back up and get back on track.

    Good Luck. You Can.
  • baristagirl7
    baristagirl7 Posts: 69 Member
    What kind of Diet? Xusn96 is right on!

    You really need to focus on a life style change. Slowly change your foods into healthier choices. Don't just switch over night to some crazy carb. free diet.

    Feed your body healthy foods and you will gradually not want to junk you used to eat.

    Log all your meals so you see what you're putting into your body.

    Workout you have to have time set out to get a workout in!

    Sleep! Sleep Is amazing for your body! Get some!

    Lots of water! Don't drink your Calories!

    Join a fitness group online to keep yourself accountable!
  • Hi i am on 6th day of GM diet....and not hungry at all since whenever i feel hungry i have a huge bowl of wonder cabbage soup...ive lost 7.5 pounds...planning to continue till i loose all 73 pounds- checked with my doc too he said..u wanna loose weight no rice no bread so gm diet actually helps..if i wanna feel more full i just add a few tablespoons of quinoa seed ..with all the veges and fruits which i used to my skin is already glowing- i started with Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk and have progressed tthrough 3 miles...alll the best...

  • Bradykirk
    Bradykirk Posts: 12 Member
    I am on the same roller coaster journey as you. This time I plan to stay on until it all evens out - - mutual support helps!