4 weeks of running and NO results?!



  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    To the women who are targetting "underweight" according to BMI, I only have one question: why?
    When you are in the normal weight range you should be concentrating on becoming healthier, not necessarily lighter. My daughter is 5ft 5 inches tall and weighs 112 pounds. She is 12 years old.

    This^^^^ Do you really want to have the physique of a 12 yr. old? I was underweight in my early 20's (5'5" 105 lbs) and thought I was fat. Looking at pictures now, I looked horrible! Choose a healthy weight, and FGS eat some protein!
  • zipperfall
    zipperfall Posts: 45 Member
    So, I've been running (er, attempting!) 5 days a week for the past month and I've seen NO results (well, physically speaking). I started out only being able to run for only 30 seconds, and now I run for 1 n 1/2 minutes, walk for 1 n 1/2 minutes, repeat for 30 minutes.

    How far do you actually run? Fifteen minutes on a 12 minute mile is about 1.5 miles. That's going to burn a net of 1 calorie per pound of body weight.

    IE, not very much.

    I run 3 miles :)
  • zipperfall
    zipperfall Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you to all the answers. Some say I'm eating too much and just not logging it, while others say I need to eat more. I believe my college is extremely good with portion control (measuring out servings before handing them to you), although you're right, it's not scale, but dry measurement. I'll try and be more conscious about my carb intake and throw some more protein into my diet. Thank you all so much for the advice.

    I'll also work on finding some beginner weight training workouts.

    ALSO** To be fair, I looked back at some pictures I took at the beginning of working out, and now, and I do see *some* change. I do have a more clearly defined ab line, I was just bloated from shark week when I posted this. Partially discouraged by that and the weight gain, I just wanted to get some feedback from those who have experienced what I am experiencing.

    Thank you all again for taking your time to answer my question(s)!!