Veggie Protein

I see a lot of people saying to have 100-125g of protein (MFP gives me a goal of 45). What is an affordable vegetarian option that won't put me over on calories (1200+exercise)?


  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    Lots of veggie options, here is some that spring to mind

    Cottage Cheese
    Greek Yoghurt
    Beans and pulses,
    Pasta (its surprisingly hi in protein)
    Whey protein
    fillet steak
  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    KingRat, I have a Greek Yogurt(which I hate the taste of) every day with lunch. I have eggs scrambled with fat free milk on rare occasion. Pasta tends to also be high calorie and with the amount of calories I have, will never take me near 100g of protein. I'll look into whey protein, thanks for the suggestion.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I would recommend that you educate yourself about complimentary proteins so you can ensure that you get complete proteins in your diet from vegetarian sources. There are many plant-based foods, that when eaten together, can give your body all the amino acids it needs.

    If you are a strict vegetarian, please also consider taking iron and b-12 supplements. It can be a challenge for vegetarian women to get sufficient iron, and impossible to get B-12 (some can be obtained in diary and eggs though).
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    greek yogurt
    soy products/meat substitutes
    protein shakes
    green peas
  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    Hadabetter: I've been a lacto ova vegetarian since middle school. I'm in really good health, just a little chubby from being inactive :-).

    Quinoa is awful, I can't swallow it. Are there any reasonably taste tolerable protein shakes that are vegan?
  • merciancuddy
    merciancuddy Posts: 5 Member
    yes but what if you dont eat dairy
  • merciancuddy
    merciancuddy Posts: 5 Member
    yes there is True Vitality the vanilla is great it is vegan no soy no gmo no lactose and artificial sweetners