Any other dangerously obese people on here?

Is anyone on here actually seriously dangerously obese and on here to do something about it because the doctors have told you you need to sort it out? Or is this site all just gorgeous slim people who want to lose a few pounds (which is what it looks like from the pics Ive seen!).

Im really finding it hard, and finding the whole weight thing hard after putting on two stone in just one year (out of nowhere, I started suffering from depression, stress and anxiety which really didnt help). would love to know im not the only one who has a seriously long way to go, is struggling to get motivated, and gets out of breathe walking up a flight of stairs! Its tough, and embarrassing, and demotivating, and shocking. Think i might feel better talking to people on a similar level of weight and fitness who need help too


  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Nope big ol' fatty right of the ones who didnt think she'd ever get pregnant, and surprise surprise lose a few pounds and blamo! pregnant. Nice lovely BMI of morbidly obese III

    There are lots of us here...I wish more of us heavy weights wouldnt get so intimidated though especially on the forums, and sort of help each other through the hard times.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Hi, dont feel de-motivated. There are lots of people on here who are still over weight and working towards their goals and people who have already reached their goals. I, myself, have lost over 3 stone this year. When I started oast January I felt I was looking down a long black tunnel...but here I am reaching the light at the other end of the tunnel. Make "friends" here and let them be your motivational inspirations. Good luck :smile:
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Oh honey, lots of us are big or started out that way. You will find so much support from people who know what you are going through.

    I was talking to one of my coworkers today and told him that when I was at my biggest my arms would cramp up from folding laundry. Yeah, it doesn't get too much worse than that!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    My goal is to lose well over 100 pounds so journey is just starting.
  • breeautiful128
    breeautiful128 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 7 pounds in, currently weighting in at 249, Goal weight is 135 and starting weight is at 257. Add me! Lets me accountable to each other!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    There are a lot of us that are or were morbidly obese, like me. You are not alone and there are lots of people here for support and help and can identify with what you are going through. And so many have come out the other side. I've turned to the forums (and my friends) on countless occasions because I see people struggling with the same things I am (or was), and learn how others have gotten past wherever I was. The science of weight loss is "easy"-just eat fewer calories than you burn. It's all the other stuff that's hard (for me) and seeing so many people have the same issues has been so helpful.
  • cnelson820
    Started out 100 pounds heavier than I am now. It is possible! This site is amazing and I couldn't have done it without it.
  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    I get it. I went through the depression, still have the anxiety....but I am working at it. I don't remember exactly my ah-ha moment....but I do know, I am not going to quit this time. I have been overweight for too long, wasted too much time. I joined MFP long before I really commited, which was just a month ago. I joined the gym, my hubby even agreed to getting me a trainer 2x a week. He is working overtime every week to pay for that trainer. It will be 4 weeks next week that I have trained with her....I AM AMAZED already at where I started and where I am now. You just need to start. Once you start, try to do a little more than you did the day before. Trust me, there are still days I'm like....nah..I'm not going to the gym today....then you better get in the gym, you made a commitment to yourself! And talk about anxiety at the gym....there aren't that many big girls there...overwhelming to say the least, but I am trying to achieve a goal and there is nothing that is going to hold me back, not even my own fear. Please friend me. I will be there to encourage you when you need it, and hopefully you can do the same for me. there are plenty of us that will help you any way we can. but we can't want it for you. You need to want it for yourself. Godd luck on your journey.