Marathon Training Advice



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Way too many races!!

    A marathon about a year from now is definitely doable. But stick to only doing 5K races and use them as your speedwork prep. And be careful to only increase your mileage 10% a week (or every two weeks).
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I just finished my first 5K last Saturday, November 16th. I was able to run the whole thing, but this is the longest distance I have run in my entire life. Needless to say, I caught the running bug! The marathon I’m looking at doing is on October 5th,

    HI to you too :) !

    I consider myself pretty good at running. I attribute my speed to the fact that I didn't RUSH into any long distance race, EVER.
    Here is my running timeline:

    May 2008- ran for the first time
    Summer 2009- was running 10 miles a week consistantly
    Summer 2010- was running 15-20 miles consistantly
    Summer 2011- Ran my first 5k @ 24:48 mileage up to 25-35
    Fall 2011- Ran subsequent 5ks got down to 22:22- mileage up to 35-45
    Summer 2012- RAN MY FIRST 10K 46:26 & got my 5k down to 20:50 mileage up to 40-50
    Summer 2013- RAN MY FIRST FULL & HALF- mileage up to 50-80

    i didn't run a full or half for YEARS after I started "running"... What exactly is your goal? Would you rather be fast/good at running? Or do you want to just dive in head first and only care about the distance? You have your whole life to run a marathon. Why not build a good base first? I view the marathon like I view marriage. I knew I always wanted to do one, but I wanted to be "ready" for it when the time came. I knew I didn't want to "rush" into it when I wasn't ready, IE not enough years under my belt. haha :)

    5k PR- 19:56
    1/2 PR- 1:40
    Marathon- 3:43
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Listen to Carson!

    Are you looking to become a runner for life? If so, take your time and build your base. Learn how to race.

    There is NO magic to running 26.2, it is a long way even when properly trained.

    Just say no to death marches!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    HA! Don't know if I would've compared it to marriage but good analogy I suppose. :-)

    I did my first marathon a few years after I started running. I had no idea what I was doing. I jumped from a 5k to full without knowing how to build up my base and run consistently. It was a miserable death march for me during the last 10 miles. I walked in at 5:47. I wish I knew then what I know now.

    It can be done but just be careful about jumping in so fast. All those races could be a recipe for injury.
    I just finished my first 5K last Saturday, November 16th. I was able to run the whole thing, but this is the longest distance I have run in my entire life. Needless to say, I caught the running bug! The marathon I’m looking at doing is on October 5th,

    HI to you too :) !

    I consider myself pretty good at running. I attribute my speed to the fact that I didn't RUSH into any long distance race, EVER.
    Here is my running timeline:

    May 2008- ran for the first time
    Summer 2009- was running 10 miles a week consistantly
    Summer 2010- was running 15-20 miles consistantly
    Summer 2011- Ran my first 5k @ 24:48 mileage up to 25-35
    Fall 2011- Ran subsequent 5ks got down to 22:22- mileage up to 35-45
    Summer 2012- RAN MY FIRST 10K 46:26 & got my 5k down to 20:50 mileage up to 40-50
    Summer 2013- RAN MY FIRST FULL & HALF- mileage up to 50-80

    i didn't run a full or half for YEARS after I started "running"... What exactly is your goal? Would you rather be fast/good at running? Or do you want to just dive in head first and only care about the distance? You have your whole life to run a marathon. Why not build a good base first? I view the marathon like I view marriage. I knew I always wanted to do one, but I wanted to be "ready" for it when the time came. I knew I didn't want to "rush" into it when I wasn't ready, IE not enough years under my belt. haha :)

    5k PR- 19:56
    1/2 PR- 1:40
    Marathon- 3:43