New Here in need of some friends and motivation

Hi new to this site I've heard nothing but good things about it. Im 30 years old single mom of 3 amazing girls and need a swift kick in the *kitten* to get in shape. I started a month ago and I've lost 18 pounds. So much going on with life would be nice to be able to talk to people with same issues regarding weight loss. Good luck to all hope to here from some of you


  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • spartyhawk
    Welcome I have made some friends and supporting one another is great here and if you have any questions alot of people on her we all do our research about hings because we all want to get in better shape.
  • nicolegoody
    Hi. I'm 46 and lost 16lbs. I've been stuck for months. Need to lose 14 more but if I could lose 4 it would be a milestone. Sorry not much did you lose 18? Awesome!
  • NatashaVanac
    Didn't loose it the best way lots of stress right now in my life trying to do it the right way
  • tammyhesseling
    Welcome!! :) I am a mom of two boys so I do know how it gets. I lost 20 lbs before discovering MFP and lost an additional 16 lbs since I started. I love this cite, it helps me stay on track a lot better than I did on my own :smile:
  • PNGmeri2000
    PNGmeri2000 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi and welcome! I would love to be friends with you and with anyone since I'm looking for friends as well. I've been off and on and finally feel like I've had a really good routine for about a month now and I can add on MFP. Before, I would start with MFP and get side tracked with being on it all the time and the work I was actually doing would get neglected. I switched it up - got my routine down and figured out exactly what I was doing, and got into the habit of it, and NOW I am back on MFP! ;) Let's be friends!
  • izzybelle2013
    izzybelle2013 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, Natasha. I am also new, and needing friends. I did weight watchers for close to 2 years. Lost 70 lbs, gained 20 back with two deaths in the family. Now, I am looking for something new, trying MFP and calorie counting. Working out regularly and doing 5k races. Would love to count you among my friends.
  • izzybelle2013
    izzybelle2013 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I am Sherry, and of course, looking for friends. I did well with WW, but now I need something new. I work out regularly, and run 5k races. I am very excited to be running the Biggest Loser 5k in Panama City at the end of December. I am really trying to stick to my guns and lose a little more before the race. Anybody out there want to be my friend?
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome. Stress loss is hard, although it works. Here's to the good things to come!

    We're here to chat !
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find there's lot of great people to help motivate you here! Feel free to send a FR if you want! That applies to anyone looking for friends and motivation!
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Adding friends has helped me with keeping accountable. I will send a friend request. I do log on daily and anyone else can add me as well.
  • lovebugali
    23 yr old mom. lost 2 lbs in the 5 days i started. would like some mfp sisters to motivate each other. l have 100 lbs to lose so anyone in the same boat feel free to add me. . would be nice to have friends that will encourage each other when it gets rough. i promise to be here to listen when you need help, give advice on whats working for me and hopefully we lose 100 lbs together, or more or less depending on your needs. thanks for reading and i welcome your requests.

    happy fitness to all.
  • nicolegoody
    Thanks for all your support. I haven't been on MFP in awhile and realize how much it works when I do use it. My problem is that I have been gaining 2 then losing 1 and gaining 3 then losing 2 etc. I enjoy drinking wine in the evenings, I think this is where my problem lies. Anyone else agree or relate?
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've noticed that this site has a lot of great, motivational, strong, and intelligent people. We are here for each other, so the more friends, the merrier! I log every day, even my guilty days (like yesterday with all those sweets from a holiday christmas party at work...whoops), and try to exercise 5-6x a week doing Pop Pilates videos on Youtube. It seriously kicks your butt. I'm hoping that next month I can start running outside for longer distances (even though there will probably be snow and ice and it'll be cold and...yeah) to train for a potential 5k in the early spring.

    I'm also not weighing myself (mostly because I don't have a scale yet) so I'm taking my body measurements at the end of every month to see how much progress I've made.

    Anyone can friend me!
  • MeredithDeVoe
    Hey, 18 lbs in a month is fantastic!! Keep it up!!
  • Brandi_Allison
    Brandi_Allison Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! I have found this website to be really helpful keeping myself on track. I suggest using the app on your phone and the will definitely keep you motivated. 18 pounds your first month is great! Keep it up!
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    welcome. mom of 4 here. add me if you would like too
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    Hi! I don't have any kids, but some days it feels like 34,000! (That's the student population of my district.) I know how hard it is to be healthy when you've got other responsibilities to take care of.
  • retmilwife
    Honey we all need kicks in the butt sometimes! Good to see you here! :-)
  • PhotographyChick
    PhotographyChick Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome!! I have 2 girls and I've been here for awhile now, but I've since lost motivation and gained a bunch of weight. When I stick to using the site and tracking everything I do fantastic! Feel free to send me a friend request! :)